which of the following best describes an argument

Which of the following commits the fallacy of popular appeal? Fallacy of irrelevance b. a. c. the conclusion and the premises are independent of each other "A fetus is a type of human person. a. SM 6: Recognizing, Analyzing, and Constructi. In "The Plea for Eight Hours" (1890), Powderly makes an argument in favour of the eight-hour workday. b. b. Categorical syllogism What type of argument is this? Argument by elimination Which of the following statements is true of ethics? A conclusion based on insufficient or inappropriately qualified evidence is known as what type of fallacy? 1.an argument that at first appears to be correct but is not a. True or false You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, The correct answer is 4.) an argument that is counter to the claims an author makes a. b. argument from elimination 2.a dispute over a moral issue 4.All of these are ways of committing the fallacy of hasty generalization. Retrieved 2008-01-29. Tags: Question 2 . 2.an argument that God must exist since the universe would not exist without a first cause studies suffered from severe methodological problems, namely: (1) the potential for judging bias, (2) the use of an inappropriate control group, and (3) inadequate safeguards against sensory leakage" (p. 27). Schwartz et al. False. John is a dog, Therefore, John went to the vet." a. c. The counterclaim The form of the proposition b. (a} Recall Why was New Orleans Which of the following is the inclination to imagine the feelings and needs of others? Which of the following terms best describes the argument? Unlock to view answer. Ethics is concerned with right and wrong. 3.a moral theory that claims that the standards of a culture determine what is right or wrong for members of that culture The rule of presuming that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law is an exception to the _____ fallacy. 3.All these answers are correct. See Page 1. 1- follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it 3.two people angrily disagreeing with one another over an important issue Youd be a fool to miss it. a. 2.a compassionate heart 2.a moral sentiment Argument from popularity attempting to provide rational support for a claim with a set of premises, If most people believe something, then you should believe it too. d. A deductive arguments with 2 premises and a conclusion, d. A deductive arguments with 2 premises and a conclusion, Suppose the conclusion of a valid deductive argument were false. An inductive argument that offers support for its conclusion 2.self-interest The pragmatic approach is motivated by the view that the nature of an argument cannot be completely captured in terms of its structure. (One sentence contains two verbs in the perfect tense.) b. Operationalizing is the same as making concepts valid. The student is quoting from paragraph 1 of a 1998 online article by Travis Dacolias. True Therefore, we should pursue solar. Universal 2. Which of the following sentences would be the best thesis statement for an essay? c. The order of proposition in the syllogism, What are the quality and quantity of this claim? Which of the following best describes a valid deductive argument? 4.All of these answers are correct. On your paper, write the perfect-tense verb that appears in the following sentence. Therefore, some S are not I." d. Universal, *The major premise <-----------> "simliar to" 4.None of these answers is correct. 20 points QUESTION 7 1.Order the following inductive arguments from strongest (best) to weakest (worse). 1.Using a stereotype can prevent us from seeing people as they really are. B follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it 3.styles of communicating Which of the following is an argument? De Gante should be rewarded for his missionary work in the Americas. Janet studies every day and takes notes in class. to offer a new way of looking at a particular state of affairs. PREMISE: All men are mortals. In his novel 1984, George Orwell put forth which of the following views? False, Moral values are values that benefit others as well as yourself. Which best describes a role of the executive branch of the federal government? 3.an argument that some claim must be false because no one can prove that it is true c. It has no premises Arguing that if something is accepted in one case, then it must be accepted in all cases. c. Affirming the consequent The idea of God is contradictory -- no being could have all the properties theists ascribe to God. d. To do, "Anything that is an apple is a fruit". 3.None of these answers is an example of snob appeal. Uncogent. Then, add the necessary end mark for given sentence. d. Affirm the antecedent, "If America is going to maintain its status as an economic giant, then Congress is going to have to curb spending. b. SP a. To become * 1 point the evidence from personal experience the feeling the author gets about a topic the audiences point of view on a topic the, to support it with facts to form an opinion on it to break it down (to restate it in a different way) 2.What is an opposing claim in an informational text? What type of reasoning did Veronica use? I will be checking to see if anyone needs help for 6th grade Math. 4.None of these answers is correct. d. Affirmative or negative, How are quantity and quality determined? Argument; attempts to persuade by providing a line of reasoning's and a conclusion. All mammals are dogs Which of the following displays the fallacy of appeal to pity? 4.All of these are strategies that fall under the heading of reason. a. All these answers are correct, We should assume that there is a causal connection between two things if a correlation can be found between them. 2.None of these answers is correct. Which of the following fallacies involves making an unwarranted assumption? 3. a. Which of the following is the most common form of the fallacy of popular appeal? a. 3.a moral argument Which of the following is true of deductive arguments? Confirming the consequent 3. confidence. c. Modus tollens, Where must you look to find the middle term of a categorical syllogism? <br> Organized because I firmly believe that in any successful initiative, the answers to the questions 'what', 'when', 'how' and 'who', should be very clear. Thesis, Hook. In Aristotle's view, if we fail to have these sorts of character traits, we cannot be happy. b. Although this seems like I am being rude I'm just simply making sure that you guys aren't cheating because it will not do you any good. c. 4 Waiting for Godot (/ d o / GOD-oh) is a play by Samuel Beckett in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), engage in a variety of discussions and encounters while awaiting the titular Godot, who never arrives. 1.A good definition makes use of figurative language Major His mother-in-laws decision is final she will not sell her house this year. True d. Some bears are grizzlies, The center of the Venn diagram, which represents the overlap of all 3 terms, is usually labeled ___________________ Indicate whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE according to the passage. 29-30). True Statistical 2.dream journal argument True Which of the following commits the naturalistic fallacy? 11 Quiz Critical Thinking, McGraw-Hill Ch. No, its neither valid not sound 3.Religious beliefs should never be held, because there is no possible evidence that can support the existence of God. drawing a general conclusion from a sample that is too small, Which of the following best describes an informal fallacy? Unit 2 Progress Check: MCQ. Evaluating an Argument. 3.the empirical method 4.All these answers are correct, Which of the following can differ from culture to culture? b. If you are unsure about the spelling of a word, use a dictionary. Sentence, Viewpoint. Which of the following words or phrases tend to indicate that an argument is inductive? Conclusion: B. Purchase? 3.the conventional stage 2.All these answers describe arguments that commit the fallacy of popular appeal. the ability to accurately perceive, appraise, and express emotions. 2.the post conventional stage There are seven novels in the series. False, What resources did the participants in the Milgram and Stanford University prison experiments who resisted hurting their subjects have that the other participants probably did not? Which of the following best describes the slippery slope fallacy? d. Undistributed middle, "If Xio and Chan are brothers, they will have DNA traits in common. According to the authors, why is it inaccurate to assume there were a large number of "dial-turners" the night of the incident? "We must enforce the death penalty. . "No dogs are purple" c. Denying the antecedent Argument based on mathematics An argumentative essay is one that requires an argument or to make a stand on some topic.It is a genre of English literature in which the author is required to present some argument after some research and . 4.therefore, Which of the following should any good argument do? a. X 4.a moral theory that claims that moral truth is relative to the individual, a moral theory that claims that moral truth is relative to the individual. a. 19. Who among the following is a political scientist who maintains that public disbelief in a man-made cause of global warming in the face overwhelming scientific evidence is caused by the inability of scientists to clearly explain that evidence? a. Which is the following is true of polls? b. Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical device? 1.slapping someone with a large fish Which of the following best describes the slippery slope fallacy? a. a. Is this a valid modus tollens argument? 2. 4.None of these answers are correct. Which of the following is a possible negative consequence of stereotyping? Ladder diagram 2.the use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion 1 of 41 of 4 Items Question Which of the following describes how to trace an argument? d It highlights the most important parts of the author's, identify the authors claim write the authors claim trace the authors claim debate the authors claim Which of the following could be used to, American alligators once faced extinction. Using the story discussed earlier, answer the following questions: (a) When Mister Ernest fires at the deer, it does not die. 4.lying. Some people required to take the exam are Freshman A good generalization has all true premises. 4: (Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests.) I did not _______________ it at all. Some professors are not writers. 2.Passive-aggressive communicators avoid confrontation and instead let others control them. Which of the following is the attitude of most scientists? a statement that reasonable people may disagree about. b. Shading, Translate the following claim into standard form: "Not every bear is a grizzly" d. SPM, "College students are reckless drivers". Sound 1.Conscience has an emotional component. The premises A circle with an X inside 2.being aware of your own communication style What type of argument is this? d. Denying the antecedent, Which type of premise should you diagram first in a Venn diagram? B.You would trace an argument by seeing if the reasons and evidence are relevant in their support of, a It includes an explanation of the author's opinion. d. false dilemma, Is the following argument sound? 3.merely provide some evidence for a conclusion b. 2.the purposes in communicating a. Stating the issue to be addressed The ethical subjectivist claims that we all have a duty to be tolerant of others. b. 4.provide irrelevant evidence for a conclusion, provide sufficient evidence for a conclusion, All issues can be reduced to two sides. Choose three pilgrims and describe how their outward appearances reflect their personalities. 1.If the premises of an inductive argument are all true, then the conclusion might still be false. Also thanks for not usings Letters and actually taking the time to write out the full answers, it helped alot! True 4.A good definition can use the word being defined (or a variation of that word) as a part of the definition. What is an argumentative essay? decide whether or not the evidence provides links to the authors claim about the topic, It's definitely not A I think it could be C or D, These are the answers for 6th grade "Reviewing Argument Quick check" C. Because of the negative long-term health effects of secondhand smoke on the human body, it is vital that the government c. Diagram any universal propositions, a. The argument is not deductively valid at all Is there enough evidence for the claim? Religious beliefs can be based on faith, while remaining consistent with the evidence. 2.an argument that has a structure that renders it invalid Xio and Chan do have similar DNA patterns. a. Which fallacy is avoided by careful attention to grammar? d. Deny the antecedent, Premise 1: If I have bronchitis, then I have a cough. c. Yes, its sound a. 1.sympathy (empathy) Correct answers: 1 question: Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage? A snake is a mammal. The good and the bad are always self-evident. So she needs to get an A in order to secure the internship." Does not exist What is an argument? Each alligator is a reptile Morality, in his view, requires that we have these character traitsthat we should be just, temperate, courageous and so on. d. either the conclusion is true or the premises are true, a. the conclusion must be tru if the premises are true, The _________________ of an argument is determined by its layout or pattern of reasoning, -A false conclusion doesn't necessarily mean that a deductive argument is invalid. b. Which of the following fallacies does Amy commit when she makes this assertion? Which of the following terms best describes the argument? So, don't take that road" c. Darwin's theory of evolution shows that God does not exist. The article has no paragraph or page numbers. d. The conclusion and the premises are independent of each other, a. a. moral quandary b. I have bronchitis, If Kai prepares well for the test, he will get a good grade. Bruh Champ is 100% correct. This can take many forms, including a hypothesis, a question, or, more commonly, a statement of the aims or objectives of the research. The student is quoting from page 27 of an article by two authors, Wiseman and O'Keeffe, that was published in 2001. c. Either the conclusion is true or the premises are true c It is thought out and convincing. a. 2.Polls are rarely reliable. 1.being aware of the communication styles of others Better throw out the honey!" At the end of their shift, they noticed that the kitchen was still pretty busy, so they continued to help through the next shift. 4. If most people believe something, then you should believe it too. False dilemma Therefore, he didn't study." Complete the sentence by writing the correct form of the word shown in parentheses. Reducing hours will allow people to educate themselves on economy and business so that they may improve labour inequities and depressions.. "I only beef and salmon in the freezer. True Premise 2: ___________. Which of the following allowed Temple Grandin to design more humane means of slaughtering cattle? 4.A woman argues that you must be wrong because you are a jerk. c. Hasty generalization The main argument can be found near the end of the text. a. Which of the following is true of gender and communication styles? The emperor should sponsor voyages to discover new American kingdoms. Which of the following best describes an argument that commits the informal fallacy of equivocation? 4. the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words, 1- follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it 3.toughness of character Recall that an inductive argument is strong when the conclusion is very likely to follow. A snake is a mammal. 4.an argument that we should believe that evolutionary theory is correct on the grounds that all biologists believe it, an argument that you should vote for Smith because everyone else is going to vote for him, Which of the following best describes the red herring fallacy? Which of the following is a way to commit the fallacy of hasty generalization? Effective communication can help with which of the following? True Proofread the following sentence, and identify any misspelled words. Not B. In this essay, I will show you why we must ban smoking in all public places B. I think we should ban smoking. b. a. ", Premise 1: If A the B. c. Some men are not members of Phi Delta Phi, In a standard categorical proposition, what is the form of the verb? 2.words spoken 2.There are objects that must be studied. Charlotte Eriksson 2.the moral theory that claims you should do what will best promote general happiness *Be the light to someones darkness*. d. Particular negative, This is a type of graphic that illustrates relationships between propositions 3.The purpose of rhetoric is to discover the truth. a. Modus tollens 3.All these answers are correct. (2001) insisted that the study had eliminated fraud and coincidence as possible explanations for the success of the mediums tested. d. true, The conclusion of a valid argument can be false only if __________________ d. None of these answer is correct, b. I would also be happy checking answers. Particular d. Modus tollens, Which go the following describes whether the claim applies to all members of the group or a certain subset? a. 4.deductive argument, Which of the following best describes a causal argument? 2.A good generalization's sample could have been taken at any time. In the Food Industry Case, the executives fell for a number of cognitive bias traps in their decision making process. akanas7khan The best description of the goal of analyzing arguments was to determine the strength of the arguments. Which of the following is true of generalizations? SURVEY . a. 1.the process of clarifying what you mean when you make a claim c. Two overlapping circles with the area where they overlap shaded Deny the consequent Consider the following argument: I have brushed my teeth every day for the last 35 years. b. A generalization 4. Have a wonderful day! All of these are strategies that fall under the heading of reason. The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson was a criminal trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court starting in 1994, in which O. J. Simpson, a former National Football League (NFL) player, broadcaster and actor, was tried and acquitted for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.The pair were stabbed to death outside Brown's . Question: Which of the following best describes when an argument is inductively forceful or strong? d. Its merely stronger or weaker rather than true or false, a. The correct option is (B). c. Deny the antecedent For conexus! (understood/understand), Four ways in which the rule of law could protect community members whose private property was damaged during a protest action, is being lonley and isolated a common issue that is with among other individuals in a similar mental state as lennie. a. 3.Formal training in reasoning makes no difference in one's ability to reason in unfamiliar contexts. b. Valid, What would a Venn diagram look like for the following claim? b. The fallacy of _____ reduces responses to complex issues to an either/or choice. The day is bright and sunny. Robots don't play much of a role in modern steel manufacturing.\rule{1cm}{0.15mm}, William Perry, and then later researchers, studied the cognitive development of college students. a. True 4- *Reading for 20 minutes every day exposes students to nearly 1.8 million words each school year* and *Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests* The use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion Which of the following statements is true of issues? C the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words, i used this to makke sure my answers were right and it was rigth. In a fallacious argument, the conclusion does not follow from the premises, regardless of whether the premises happen to be true. *The major term <---------->, *The subject (S) term in a categorical syllogism

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