boron superhero powers

Invulnerability is the ability to resist all or the majority of harm inflicted upon ones body. [133][134] A small human trial published in 1987 reported on postmenopausal women first made boron deficient and then repleted with 3mg/day. The substance can be seen with empirical formula B12C3 (i.e., with B12 dodecahedra being a motif), but with less carbon, as the suggested C3 units are replaced with C-B-C chains, and some smaller (B6) octahedra are present as well (see the boron carbide article for structural analysis). The production of boron compounds does not involve the formation of elemental boron, but exploits the convenient availability of borates. As compounds such as borax and kernite its cost was US$377/tonne in 2019. In 2001, this material was found to be a high-temperature superconductor. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. Boron in Idaho", 10.1002/(SICI)1520-670X(1998)11:2/3<251::AID-JTRA15>3.0.CO;2-Q, Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Copper, "Primordial broth of life was a dry Martian cup-a-soup". Contents 1 Acquirement 1.1 Mutation He can even make rockets . Someone with this ability can even speed up or reverse the aging process of any subject. In some cases, characters find that their increased intelligence is genetic, such as certain alien races. Although boron is a relatively rare element in the Earth's crust, representing only 0.001% of the crust mass, it can be highly concentrated by the action of water, in which many borates are soluble. A large number of organoboron compounds are known and many are useful in organic synthesis. Single medical doses of 20g of boric acid for neutron capture therapy have been used without undue toxicity. This has led to imports of sodium tetraborate (borax) growing by a hundredfold between 2000 and 2005 and boric acid imports increasing by 28% per year over the same period. Why is evil superhero? h-BN is used as a high temperature component and lubricant. Boron is synthesized entirely by cosmic ray spallation and supernovae and not by stellar nucleosynthesis, so it is a low-abundance element in the Solar System and in the Earth's crust. In research on sensory perception, it has been shown that invisibility occurs in cycles. Industrially, the very pure element is produced with difficulty because of contamination by carbon or other elements that resist removal. The patient is then treated with a beam of low energy neutrons at a relatively low neutron radiation dose. A rapid increase in the manufacture of reinforcement-grade boron-containing fiberglass in Asia, has offset the development of boron-free reinforcement-grade fiberglass in Europe and the US. According to Agatha Harkness, magic can exist on any planet where there is life. 3 Hela. 1. Arthur S. Poe is a writer based in Europe. This power gives the character a specific advantage in combat, based on the type of immunity they have. Sometimes called superhuman intellect, enhanced intellect is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to attain a higher intellect than they would naturally have. Heat vision is a powerful form of energy manipulation that allows the user to shoot heat rays out of their eyes. The glass fibers used in the material are made of various types of glass depending upon the fiberglass use. [12] Several allotropes exist: amorphous boron is a brown powder; crystalline boron is silvery to black, extremely hard (about 9.5 on the Mohs scale), and a poor electrical conductor at room temperature. The mass difference results in a wide range of 11B values, which are defined as a fractional difference between the 11B and 10B and traditionally expressed in parts per thousand, in natural waters ranging from 16 to +59. Other common high-boron glasses include C-glass, an alkali-lime glass with high boron oxide content, used for glass staple fibers and insulation, and D-glass, a borosilicate glass, named for its low dielectric constant).[86]. However, this is not an absolute requirement, and there have been many cases where individuals have developed the ability to change the size of other people or objects. All living things produce psions, and only a few can detect this energy. Famous Users: Doctor Manhattan, The Presence, One-Above-All, Hulk, Superman. The answer is "Super Magnets". Doklady Earth Sciences 448(1) 61-63, neutron cross section#Typical cross sections, absorbent for neutron radiation arising in nuclear power plants, "Infrared Emission Spectroscopy of BF and AIF", "Sur la dcomposition et la recomposition de l'acide boracique", "An account of some new analytical researches on the nature of certain bodies, particularly the alkalies, phosphorus, sulphur, carbonaceous matter, and the acids hitherto undecomposed: with some general observations on chemical theory", "Q & A: Where does the element Boron come from? . The machine allowed him to monitor the entire planet and detect the specific psionic signatures of mutants. [122] The dual-modality small molecule targeting PSMA was tested in humans and found the location of primary and metastatic prostate cancer, fluorescence-guided removal of cancer, and detects single cancer cells in tissue margins. Unlike silicates, boron minerals never contain it with coordination number greater than four. Boron is a chemical element with the symbolB and atomic number5. But when two souls at war get united in matrimony, will they find love? Because of its high neutron cross-section, boron-10 is often used to control fission in nuclear reactors as a neutron-capturing substance. [101] Examples are the plasma deposition of boron-containing hard carbon films, silicon nitrideboron nitride films, and for doping of diamond film with boron. GE AND MITSUI SEIKI CREATE A 'WORLD'S FIRST' WITH BLUE ARC MACHINING TECHNOLOGY ROUGHING OUT SUPER ALLOYS THREE TIMES FASTER WITH 70% TOOL COST SAVINGS. Characteristically such compounds contain boron with coordination numbers greater than four. Famous Users: Nightcrawler, Doctor Strange, Etrigan, John Constantine, Magik, Zatanna, the Eternals. Underwater breathing is a rare ability that allows a character to breathe normally under water; most often, these characters can breathe both above and under the surface. This is possible because their bodies have become so hard that they cannot easily tear a muscle and/or break their bones. Borosilicate glass, which is typically 1215% B2O3, 80% SiO2, and 2% Al2O3, has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, giving it a good resistance to thermal shock. Invisibility is the state of an object which cannot be seen. It is formed in minor amounts in cosmic ray spallation nucleosynthesis and may be found uncombined in cosmic dust and meteoroid materials. The film opens in a dark alley in Paris, where a small-time celebrity magician named Eclipso gets violently kidnapped. The intersection of boron with biology is very small. The most important boranes are diborane B2H6 and two of its pyrolysis products, pentaborane B5H9 and decaborane B10H14. All four phases are stable at ambient conditions, and -rhombohedral is the most common and stable. It also helps to make glassware for science labs. [13][14] Boron compounds were relatively rarely used until the late 1800s when Francis Marion Smith's Pacific Coast Borax Company first popularized and produced them in volume at low cost. Characters Hubs Teams Powers Objects Locations Species Artists Universes Publishers Tags A Ability Shift Base 5 Abstract Existence Base 2 Acausality Major 12 Accelerated Development Base 2 Accelerated Healing Minor 7 Acid Manipulation Minor 5 Acid Resistants Base 2 Acidic Spit Base 2 [148][149] It presents as a yellowing from the tip inwards of the oldest leaves and black spots in barley leaves, but it can be confused with other stresses such as magnesium deficiency in other plants.[150]. In the diamond-like structure, called cubic boron nitride (tradename Borazon), boron atoms exist in the tetrahedral structure of carbon atoms in diamond, but one in every four B-N bonds can be viewed as a coordinate covalent bond, wherein two electrons are donated by the nitrogen atom which acts as the Lewis base to a bond to the Lewis acidic boron(III) centre. It is also shown to positively impact the body's usage of testosterone, estrogen, and vitamin D. However, more research is needed. Each boron atom has a formal 1 charge and magnesium is assigned a formal charge of +2. A person may develop increased stamina either through alien heritage, genetic manipulation, or biological augmentation. Its hardness is only slightly smaller than, but its chemical stability is superior, to that of diamond. A device that promised to turn you into a real-life Aquaman turned out to be too good to be true. Great to use as part of your superheros topic. As sodium perborate, it is used as a bleach. Superhuman strength, also called super strength or enhanced strength, is an ability often used in fiction. Boron carbide is a ceramic material which is obtained by decomposing B2O3 with carbon in an electric furnace: Boron carbide's structure is only approximately B4C, and it shows a clear depletion of carbon from this suggested stoichiometric ratio. Boron trifluoride is used in the petrochemical industry as a catalyst. This, of course, only applies in comparison with members of ones own race or, in the case of humans, human-looking characters. 7 Loki. As usual, boron is not an element that is intrinsically poisonous, but the toxicity of these compounds depends on structure (for another example of this phenomenon, see phosphine). Additionally metal borides are used for coating tools through chemical vapor deposition or physical vapor deposition. [13][14] The boranes are also highly flammable and require special care when handling, some combinations of boranes and other compounds are highly explosive. Boron is added to boron steels at the level of a few parts per million to increase hardenability. Want this question answered? [147], Boron is necessary for plant growth, but an excess of boron is toxic to plants, and occurs particularly in acidic soil. About 15% of global boron is used in boron ceramics, including super-hard materials discussed below. [24][25][26] Compressing boron above 160GPa produces a boron phase with an as yet unknown structure, and this phase is a superconductor at temperatures below 612 K.[27] Borospherene (fullerene-like B40 molecules) and borophene (proposed graphene-like structure) were described in 2014. These glasses all contain silica or silicate, with varying amounts of oxides of calcium, magnesium, and sometimes boron. Its value is comparable to that of tungsten carbide, silicon carbide, titanium diboride or zirconium diboride. 1. Some crude borax traveled westward, and was apparently mentioned by the alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan around 700 AD. [10] It constitutes about 0.001 percent by weight of Earth's crust. An object that is in this state is called invisible (literally, not visible). One study indicated that taking at least three milligrams per day of boron may have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help with osteoarthritis. A set of colourful A4 posters featuring the common superhero powers! These powers can come from a variety of sources (including magic, scientific augmentation, or mutation, to name a few) and can range from subtle (precognition, psychic empathy) to dynamic ( super speed, super strength, super agility, flying) to overwhelmingly powerful (reality-bending) and everything in between. See: Berzelius, J. It gained FDA approval in July 2014. boron superhero powers. The level of strength portrayed can vary greatly, from just outside the normal human range of the strongest weightlifters of a certain size or muscle mass to nearly unlimited. Flat panel display", Mission Status Center, June 2, 2010, 1905 GMT, "Wood Protection Properties of Quaternary Ammonium Arylspiroborate Esters Derived from Naphthalene 2,3-Diol, 2,2'-Biphenol and 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic Acid", "Bortezomib-mediated 26S proteasome inhibition causes cell-cycle arrest and induces apoptosis in CD-30, "Overview of neutron capture therapy pharmaceuticals", "FDA Approves Boron-based Drug to Treat Toenail Fungal Infections", "New Dioxaborolane Chemistry Enables [18F]-Positron-Emitting, Fluorescent [18F]-Multimodality Biomolecule Generation from the Solid Phase", "18F-positron-emitting/fluorescent labeled erythrocytes allow imaging of internal hemorrhage in a murine intracranial hemorrhage model", "A fluorescent, [ 18 F]-positron-emitting agent for imaging PMSA allows genetic reporting in adoptively-transferred, genetically-modified cells", "Small Molecule, Multimodal [18F]-PET and Fluorescence Imaging Agent Targeting Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen: First-in-Human Study", "Essential Plant Micronutrients. 19 Shapeshifting. Borosilicate glass is desired for its greater strength and thermal shock resistance than ordinary soda lime glass. A few boron-containing organic pharmaceuticals are used or are in study. Boron isotopes are also fractionated during mineral crystallization, during H2O phase changes in hydrothermal systems, and during hydrothermal alteration of rock. Boron-containing organic antibiotics are known. ", "Turkey as the global leader in boron export and production", "Raw and Manufactured Materials 2006 Overview", "Selected Mechanical and Physical Properties of Boron Filaments", Fabrication and Evaluation of Urania-Alumina Fuel Elements and Boron Carbide Burnable Poison Elements, "Ultimate Metastable Solubility of Boron in Diamond: Synthesis of Superhard Diamondlike BC5", "Industrial applications of boron compounds", "Wafer-scale and selective-area growth of high-quality hexagonal boron nitride on Ni(111) by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition", "Information technology and polymers. Traditional method of introducing boron into semiconductors is via its atomic diffusion at high temperatures. The largest known deposits are in Turkey, the largest producer of boron minerals. They exhibit structures analogous to various allotropes of carbon, including graphite, diamond, and nanotubes. Chronokinesis, also called time manipulation or time control, is the ability to mentally alter time. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation. Borates have low toxicity in mammals (similar to table salt) but are more toxic to arthropods and are occasionally used as insecticides. [115] Mild solutions of boric acid have been used as eye antiseptics. Sodium borohydride presents a fire hazard owing to its reducing nature and the liberation of hydrogen on contact with acid. venrock portfolio. These compounds are Lewis acids in that they readily form adducts with electron-pair donors, which are called Lewis bases. morrow, red tornado has had a long, and somewhat convoluted history as a wind-controlling superhero in the dc universe. However, after the 1970s, it was mostly replaced by ion implantation, which relies mostly on BF3 as a boron source. [98], The boranes (boron hydrogen compounds) and similar gaseous compounds are quite poisonous. Other Elements Isolated with the Aid of Potassium and Sodium: Beryllium, Boron, Silicon and Aluminum", "Underskning af flusspatssyran och dess mrkvrdigaste freningar", "Untersuchungen ber die Fluspathsure und deren merkwrdigste Verbindungen", "Preparation and properties of pure boron", "Ionic high-pressure form of elemental boron", "Thermodynamic stability of boron: The role of defects and zero point motion", 10.1002/1521-3749(200109)627:9<2100::AID-ZAAC2100>3.0.CO;2-G, "Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) Applications from Metallurgy to Cosmetics", "Magnesium Diboride: Better Late than Never", "Category "News+Articles" not found - CERN Document Server", "Results of the B4C Control Rod Test QUENCH-07", "Commissioning of Boron Enrichment Plant", "Boron Neutron Capture Therapy An Overview", "In situ detection of boron by ChemCam on Mars", "Curiosity Has Discovered Something That Raises More Questions About Life on Mars", "Are certain minerals still under state monopoly? Together these constitute 90% of mined boron-containing ore. A 'world's first' in manufacturing has created a commercially viable process to produce critical aerospace type components such as engine blisks and compressor blades from nickel-based super alloys which enables them to be rough . What are boron's super powers? He tried killing himself, but was unsuccessful every time. Similarly, AlMgB14 + TiB2 composites possess high hardness and wear resistance and are used in either bulk form or as coatings for components exposed to high temperatures and wear loads. [83][84], Boron fibers and sub-millimeter sized crystalline boron springs are produced by laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition. Boron is primarily used in chemical compounds. Now, while classical superheroes mostly had one and the same power (flight, superhuman strength, etc. Famous Users: Superman, Supergirl, Killer Frost, Iceman. Famous Users: Billy Batson / Captain Marvel, Black Adam, the Lizard, Man-Bat, Killer Croc, Mystique. Sebagian besar proyek tenaga fusi saat ini membutuhkan tritium - bahan bakar yang sangat langka dan bermasalah. Ultrapure boron for use in the semiconductor industry is produced by the decomposition of diborane at high temperatures and then further purified by the zone melting or Czochralski processes.[21]. [42], Binary metal-boron compounds, the metal borides, contain boron in negative oxidation states. Elemental boron, boron oxide, boric acid, borates, and many organoboron compounds are relatively nontoxic to humans and animals (with toxicity similar to that of table salt). Famous Users: Superman, Supergirl, Val-Zod, Darkseid, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Bane, Brainiac, Ocean Master, Ares, Jessica Jones, Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Thanos, Thor, Captain Marvel, Blue Marvel, Lord Maximus, Spider-Man, Black Bolt, Toxin, Apocalypse, Namor, Vision, Loki, Sentry, Rogue, Sabretooth, Adam Warlock, Emperor Vulcan, Human Torch, Nova, Spider-Woman, General Thunderbolt Ross, Odin, She-Hulk, Miss America, Madcap, Colossus, Polaris. Since objects become visible by light in the visible spectrum from a source reflecting off its surface and striking the eye of the observer, the most natural form of invisibility (whether real or fictional) is an object that neither reflects nor absorbs light (i.e., it lets light through). Some superheroes start off powerful. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. With this ability, one can travel through time, control the speed of peoples movements, slow down enemies, and speed themselves up. In his subsequent experiments, he used potassium to reduce boric acid instead of electrolysis. Hit enter to search or ESC to close. About half of all production consumed globally is an additive in fiberglass for insulation and structural materials. [92] Not all fiberglasses contain boron, but on a global scale, most of the fiberglass used does contain it. Marco Polo brought some glazes back to Italy in the 13th century. The sources of magical power can be personal energies (the mental and spiritual powers that mystics and wizards develop for themselves, such as psionic energy, chi manipulation, astral projection, mind spells, etc. . The halides react with water to form boric acid. Characters who possess this ability can often go long periods of time without rest or even sleep. The boron is present as borosilicate, borax, or boron oxide, and is added to increase the strength of the glass, or as a fluxing agent to decrease the melting temperature of silica, which is too high to be easily worked in its pure form to make glass fibers.

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