who owns reuters rothschild

PROOF POSITIVE! And with a mainstream scientific research paper published by the National Library of Medicine, WATCH!!! Lithium Battery Storage Warehouse BLAZING INFERNO in France (Video), KILLING FIELDS 2023: Vaxxed-triggered violence rages across America DY KHAZARIAN DESIGN, Russia is gearing up for war with NATO after defense firm delivers new batch of T-90M main battle tanks to Russian troops, Directed Energy Weapons Have Weaponized Space and the Environment (Video), How did this HUGE Covid vaccine-induced injury revelation ever make it onto the premier MSM platform of the CIAs Mockingbird Media?!?!?! Before any family member gets any type of Covid injection, they need to know that no insurance company will pay a death benefit for a vaccine-induced death. The king issued bonds as a debt obligation to Rothschild to be paid by future taxes on British citizens. Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo Falsely Accused After Absurdly Contrived Sting Operation by, Florida Surgeon General Warns Life-Threatening VAERS Reports Up 4,400 Percent Since COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout, Biden team has deeply rooted hatred for Russia US congressman. They also fix the world price on gold on a daily basis and profit from its ups and downs. Khazarian-directed Pentagon misled public on drone strike that killed several children in Kabul during 2021 withdrawal. Theres really only ONE winner throughout the entire Khazarian-manufactured Ukraine WarMIC. Show all. WOW!!! The only way this Khazarian-installed cultural marxist can be re-elected is by outright election theft after pulling the race card as she predictably just did. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters.. Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, NBC News . The House of Rothschild bought Reuters news service in the 1800's. Within the last 20 years, Reuters bought the Associated Press. BEWARE if you live anywhere near lake Huron!!! Now lets see if Speaker McCarthy acts according to his word? Are we close to becoming a cashless society? What in the world has happened to turncoat Marjorie Taylor Greene? Family biographers describe Mayer Rothschild as a poor man, who lived with his family above his shop and sold rare coins to Royal customers. WOW!!! Facebooks Race Blind Algorithm Backfires In Their Face: Finds 90% Of Hate Speech Was Directed Toward White People And Men, Elon Must just admitted to Jay Leno that he is a criminal. Bush, J.P. Morgan and five other banking family institutions own the Federal Reserve in partnership with Rothschild. Ron Paul Suggests Adam Schiff Should Be Expelled From Congress, St. Louis Woman Arrested after Firing Several Rounds at Police Is Released from Jail the Next Morning Without Any Charges, MUST SEE: Ultra MAGA Combines Blatant Lies by Fauci and DC Elites with TGP TRUTHS No Question Its Mass Homicide EPIC VIDEO, Yellen Warns US Will Hit Debt Limit ON Thursday, Will Take Extraordinary Measures To Avoid Default, FDIC Bankers Discuss Bail-Ins To Deal With Impending Market Collapse (video), CAUGHT HIM! This is what stealthy grand larceny from stupid investors looks like! Senator Rubio Sends Letter to Pfizer CEO After Project Veritas Explosive Undercover Video Reveals Company Mutating Covid Virus For Profits, BREAKING: Hunter Biden Was Receiving Classified State Department Briefings on Regular Basis Used to Promote Biden Family Business. SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary. Autopsies showing DEAD bodies have abnormally high temperatures which does not happen after death. Reuters owns the AP and the Rothschilds own Reuters. PENTAGON DEVELOPED CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR WAR WITH IRAN, The more mRNA doses a country receives, the more Covid and the more deaths. Satanic Grammys performance by Sam Smith and Kim Petras slammed: Sponsored by Pfizer (Video), HUGE EARTHQUAKE FALLOUT! Categories . (4) Rothschild ordered a perpetual family partnership and provided that the female members of the family, their husbands and children should receive their interest in the estate subject to the management of the male members. Rothschild owns or virtually controls every major media outlet in America, Europe and Israel. Does this mark the end for the ever-slippery Biden Crime Family? Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, 8. If Biden was behind this act of war, Biden should be impeached. Ted Cruz Lays Out The BRUTAL Truth On Bidens Marxist, Pro-Censorship FCC Nominee During Hearing (Video), HOLY MOLY! Dr. Ryan Cole under serious attack by the Washington Medical Board for Covid truth telling. (Videos), ANGER EXPLODES as corporate criminal Norfolk Southern railway company a no show for East Palestine chemical catastrophe meeting (Video). Obamas 16 trillion, stolen from the FR-American people, went to prop up failing European Banks probably Rothschilds since he owns most of the banks likely the reason he selected and got the then unknown Obama elected. Every single Covid-vaxxing DOCTOR must be sued out of existence.. Covid Vaccine Gaslighting Op Falls Apart In Real Time, A Scientific Analysis of Dr. Ryan Coles False Claims: There Is No Nanotech and No Graphene in C19 Vax Vials, Khazarian-Directed Controlled Opposition Behind the Covid Killshot/Clotshot Coverup Exposes Itself. Everything changes when Americans scream BLOODY MURDER en masse like this rightly enraged lady. In the late 18th century and early 19th century, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) rose to become one of Europe's most powerful bankers in the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel in the Holy Roman Empire. This is exactly why a dementia-ridden, drug-addled political CON MAN was criminally installed in the Oval Office by his Khazarian masters! [1] [2] It employs around 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide. +91-7207507350 While panicked English investors sold up their life savings, Nathan Rothschild bought-up their bonds for pennies on the dollar. NWO Weather Warriors Target California Again to Further Terrorize Residents into Societal Paralysis, These are the real crazy woke professors being enabled by the, STAINLESS STEAL exposes the collapse of the neoliberal hyper-financialization and hyper-globalization model, WWIII Gauntlet has been dropped and few seem to give a damn, Swiss residents are now thrown out of their apartments and replaced by Ukrainian refugees, Idaho bill would criminalize giving mRNA vaccines the tech used in popular COVID vaccines, Just In: FL Governor DeSantis Signs Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Status, AI Censors Go Full Bore Censoring Conservative Podcasts, Leftists Furious As Woody Harrelson Sneaks Covid Vaccine Mandate Joke Onto SNL (Video), The US/NATO War Against Russia: A REALITY CHECK. School Searched 6-Year-Olds Backpack Before He Shot Teacher, Youth are slowly replacing God with Satan in some Western nations, Vaccine-induced strokes and heart attacks skyrocketing so high More than 15m patients will be offered life-saving statins under new NHS guidance, COVER UP: Lawyers Found More Classified Documents in Bidens Private Library Than Previously Known. A post shared on Instagram claims the Rothschild family owns Reuters and the Associated Press (AP). I Cant Breathe Criminal Negligence by Knoxville Tennessee Police Kills an Elderly White Woman (wheres the MSM outcry?). Rabid Russophobe and Zionist Warmonger Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki Goes Off The RailsFULL BORE!!! Please, fellow Americans, read the comments posted under this video of McCarthys first Speaker speech. Reuters has nothing to do with AP.. By 1818 they had fleeced the French investors, by crashing the French Government bond market. BOMBSHELL docs reveal intentional Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the very top (Video), President Of Mexico Basically Thanks Biden For Putting America Last On Live TV (Video), ER Doctor Sounds the Alarm on the Hospital System: Our Facilities Are Figuratively on Fire (Video), Watch this remarkably treacherous word merchant spin his fake Covid vaccine narrative. America held in a Khazarian chokehold MUCH tighter that the Bolsheviks had on 1917 czarist Russia. Read this before you buy into the utterly ridiculous EV scam. The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives. LORI LIGHTFOOT ALERT! Polands rabid Russophobia has driven it insane to start World War III. Now the Elite own the two largest wire services in the world, where most newspapers get their news. Talk is very VERY cheap inside the Beltway. Brazil sinks asbestos-laden warship in Atlantic despite fears of incalculable damage, Californias Cultural Marxist Governor Goes Off The Rails, Secret Chinese Police Station In NYC Closed After FBI Raid, The Proposal is a Dystopian Nightmare Australian Senator Drops Truth Bomb on WHOs Dictator-Style Power Grab Pandemic Treaty (VIDEO). These are the Khazarian-controlled Illuminati mafia families who secretly run the world. When are people going to finally understand that we have a major league crisis on our hands? Father of Khazarian-Installed Congressional Hitman and Closet Communist Jamie Raskin Was Founder of the Marxist Institute for Policy Studies, The Well-Hidden Truths About The Khazarian-Engineered Ukraine War, Movement Picking Up Steam In Floridas Political Circles. There used to be 88 media companies. The Bush family and J.P. Morgan are the political and financial dynasties evolved from their original ownership of the Federal Reserve. President Tafts 17th. Truth-Telling Scholar Physician Goes Full Bore, How does anyone conceal a $32 billion portfolio unless they were allowed to?! Britain had finally found a commodity that China would take, Opium. This is how ALL House Republicans really view their respective conservative constituencies. "All 6 get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Central Bank Digital Currency for Social Engineering. The U.S. entries might surprise you. On Sept. 19th 1812, Mayer Rothschild died at the age of 68. A screenshot of the misleading Facebook post, taken on May 5, 2022. Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan Albania: Bank of Albania Its headquarters are in Toronto. Will we do anything about it before its too late? Covid Cover-up Collapse: British Blame Game BeginsBIG TIME! Khazarian Mafia stealthily burning down America one business at a time, especially food-related enterprises. Our Latest Propaganda! Skull and bones member Alfonso Taft catapulted his son William Taft right into the top job at the White House. China Issues Scathing Indictment Against US Hegemony, Russia Engages GPS-JAMMING over Nuclear Weapons Facilities, Every World War Is Preceded By Havoc-Creating Energy Wars, Clinton aides death ruled suicide despite tied to a tree, shot in chest, James OKeefe is not coming back. Shocking Condom Scavenger Hunt Part Of New School Workbook With Sexual Assignments, WW3 ALERT! CAUSE UNKNOWN: The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 and 2022 (Video), We have the receipts on Kari Lakes judge regarding flagrant RICO violations and more (Video), Berliners bring flowers to blown-up Russian tank (VIDEO), Demonstrators in the cities of Genoa and Milan are demanding an end to weapons supplies to Kiev (Video). Do you see how these Pharma mafiosos really work in corrupting the US Congress?! (Video), Khazarian-Memed Medical Coincidences Now Worlds Leading Cause of Death (Video), Secret rule change will see House lawmakers get a $34,000 PAY BUMP Republicans slam Democrats for clandestine move that should have been debated in public. The Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Nasty, Tyrannical, Foul-Mouthed Lori Lightfoot Finally Concedes in Mayoral Race After a Third Place Finish in First Round of Voting, Its Time Take Back The Country From These Communists, Fight, Fight, Fight (Video), Special Online Symposium held to discuss the pharmaceutical crime of the millennium, Rep. Paul Gosar Reintroduces Federal Death Penalty Legislation to Combat the Fentanyl Crisis (Read the bill below), SARS-CoV-2: Bailey, Cowan, Kaufman respond to Cole, McCullough and Malone (Video), Woody Harrelsons Epic Monologue Exposes Big Pharmas Covid Injection Genocide During Prime Time (Video), WATCH!!! 7th Dead Whale Washes Up Near Planned Green Energy Hotspot Are Offshore Wind Projects Killing Them? The COVID-19 Vaccine Holocaust Now Confirmed By VAERS 2022 Year-End Data, A dire warning to every Covid-vaccinated person, COINCIDENCE now the leading cause of death in the world today, Ex-French soldier who witnessed the Bucha war crimes committed against civilians by the Armed Forces of Ukraine survives assassination attempt by Kiev, requests asylum in Russia, ALL U.S. David Thomson is the chairman of both Thomson Reuters and Woodbridge, which is his familys investment company. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage. Clinton aide with Epstein ties suicided with a self-inflicted shotgun blast after he tied himself to a tree, no gun found. Ukraine Will Lose More Land Because of US Long Range Rockets Russian Foreign Minister, Thailand drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer, and theyre P*SSED! Some folks got much more than just a dangerous and deadly Covid vaccine. Is The Red Scare Going Blue? On the contrary, Mayer stashed a big supply of gold, precious coins and jewels in special hiding places inside his house. Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Associated With Heart Inflammation, ANOTHER ARKANCIDE!!! (Video), VERY BAD START! ), Man Considers Suicide to Escape the Hell of AstraZeneca Vax Injury, We are about to witness the largest series of class action lawsuits in US history lodged against Big Pharma and Big Government. (Video), NYC Judge Overturns Health Care Worker Vaccine Mandate, Rules Gov. NEW INFORMATION REVEALS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORED BY US GOVERNMENT ITSELF! The ownership of the 10 Central banks are: 1. Khazarian Cabal Recklessly Pushing Russia into an Aggressive Nuclear War Posture With These Terrorist Attacks, Now this 2024 POTUS election development is very odd!?!?!? California school board members may be sentenced to life in prison or the death penalty under 18 USC 242 and 18 USC 175 according to new CA Supreme Court decision. In 1820 Samuel Russell bought out the Perkins syndicate and ran the Opium smuggling operation with his partner Warren DeLeino Jr. who was the grandfather of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. who owns reuters rothschild. Aussie elites and media pushing the apocalyptic specter associated with a missing tiny radioactive capsule in Western AustraliaIs it even missing?! Are the Ukrainian Political Elite Starting to Eat Each Other? Yes, the absolute worst disinfo agent in world history just said this!!! COVER UP: DOJ Decided Against Having FBI Agents Monitor Search by Bidens Personal Lawyers For Classified Documents, Biden Endangered National Security As VP By Insisting NUCLEAR FOOTBALL Briefcase Used For Counterstrikes To PROTECT AMERICA Remain At Least ONE MILE Behind His Motorcade In Wilmington. Dozens Of WikiLeaks Cables Show US Knew NATO Expansion Was Russias Bright Red Line, HUGE! TREASON: Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump Held Secret Calls with Chinese Defense Officials Then Surrendered to Taliban and Armed Them with $80 Billion in US Weapons. Khazarian Cabal determined to open up a two-front World War III just like WW2. Report alleges grim scale of child abuse by clergy in Portugal, In Case You Missed It: Images of Little Devils Spotted At Super Bowl Pre-Game Show. (VIDEO), Young CTV News reporter Jessica Robb starts slurring her words just before what appears to be collapse on screen. mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now. Popular GOP Congressman Greg Steube Hospitalized After Falling Off Roof Sustained Several Injuries. Project Veritas Staffers Release New Statement As Whistleblowers Say They Stand With James OKeefe. Listen to this no-nonsense truth-speaker expose the entire globalist EV fraud (Video), BIG NEWS: CDC, FDA Flag Early Signal of Stroke Risk With Bivalent COVID Vaccine, NWO Geoengineers Freezing Siberia With Withering Weather Warfare, Really, CDC says its investigating possible link between Pfizers Covid booster and strokes among seniors over age of 65. In 1906, the U.S. stock market was setting all kinds of records. Here is a complete list of all Rothschild owned and controlled banks. The US meat supply may soon be widely contaminated with mRNA proteins from biotech vaccines, FBI Official Who Investigated Trump Russia Collusion Arrested for Colluding With Russia. MOVING ONWARD The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C. Back to implementing Bidens draconian gun control agenda through a series of false flag mass shootings purposefully carried out in schools. Zelenskys aides dont know when to outright lie, when to cunningly mislead and when to brazenly deceive. The Brits pick a fight with India and then get busted upside the head with a four by four. [5] [6] A post shared by Truth Global (@thetruthglobal). All of these six media companies receive their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. The ensuing debt was so much that Rothschild was able to take over ownership of the Bank of England, which subsequently financed the mercenary German Hessians to fight the American revolutionaries in colonial America because Washington issued its own money called greenbacks. Here Why The Dam Is Breaking On COVID Vaccine Damages And Deaths (Video). In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. Its so nice to see that the Met Police hires officers who can be trusted and will protect the publicWOW!!! It was very difficult to sell radios in an area without a radio station, so he opened a station in North Bay in 1931. Rothschild owns or virtually controls every major media outlet in America, Europe and Israel. Now Russias military has to snuff out Ukrainian troops holding up in a 120+ miles of salt mine tunnels. disney california food and wine festival 2021; Tory MP Andrew Bridgen is suspended by party for anti-Covid vaccine tweet, says its another HOLOCAUST, The Catholic Church must free itself from this toxic nightmare Cardinal George Pell, Alt media warned about everything happening today now weve decoded the playbook on what happens next in the EXTERMINATION AGENDA targeting humanity, WOMAN SEES DEMONS ATTACKING HER FOR TWO DAYS AFTER THE JAB AND SHE LIVED TO TELL US WHAT SHE SAW (Video). So who actually controls todays world banking system? US Reaches Debt Ceiling, Forcing Treasury Into Extraordinary Measures, We Still Have No Proof COVID-19 is Caused by a Corona Virus (Video), Why are rubbery clots being found and pulled out of Covid-vaccinated corpses?! The agency's 2021 Annual Report stated its principal shareholder is Woodbridge Company Limited, which owns 67 percent of the company's shares. The 6 media companies that exist get their news from Reuters & the Associated Press. Or was this energy weapon attack on American diplomats and intel officers carried out by MI6 and/or MOSSAD?! Video and Photo Evidence Strongly Suggests Greta Thunberg Detainment In Germany Was Totally Staged. Here it comes! (Video), KHAZARIAN BACKLASH! More evidence that American data may badly overstate the protection mRNA shots offer against hospitalization from Covid, For Those Who Deny The Problems With The Vax, New wave of strikes reported against Ukrainian power grid, PATRIOT ALERT! 0. who owns reuters rothschild. Is the Criminalization of Heterosexuality on the Agenda or Just the Denial of Equal Rights? Reuters is owned by Thomson Reuters, a Canadian information news company, according to Britannica. Pearson has owned half of the Economist since 1957 but is selling its holding to concentrate on its core education business. Now Canadas NOTAM flight safety system is down! Mayer Rothschild received a stock-market tip from his world revolutionary network. OPERATION SANDMAN now activated Saudi Arabia announces END of dollar dominance in global oil trade the dominoes begin to fall on the US empire, HOLY MOLY! The next day when word of Englands victory over Napoleon hit the market, bond prices soared. Facebook shuts down priests account in a naked attempt to end defense of Jerusalems Al-Aqsa Mosque from Israeli raids, Ukraine suffered a humiliating defeat in the meat grinder of Soledar. They of course are referring to the Rothschilds, a Jewish banking family from the 1700s who, at one point in history, owned about 50 per cent of all the wealth in the world. This is where they intend to take the Covid vax mandates globally! And the MSM is mum on he matter!!! AP is described as an independent global news organization on its website. When official news of the British victory at Waterloo arrived, the English bond-market skyrocketed and so did Nathan Rothschilds wealth. (Video), This Is Disgusting: Ohio Senator Finds Toxic Chemicals In East Palestine Water (Video), A Shift Toward Statism: The US Establishment Doesnt Want Domestic Chaos Anymore Because Theyre In Control. (Video), REALLY?! Wilhelm had a reputation as a cold-blooded loan-shark, who trained and rented out his Hessian solders as mercenary troops. The Rothschild Family owns 80% of the world's wealth, with a net worth of $500 trillion. Not so. https://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/the-rothchilds/, Worldwide COVID Litigation Lawyer Directory Linked Below. Who were the actual whistleblowers?! Today, the most influential members of the CIA, the US Government, and big finance are Skull and Bones men. Political propaganda confuses American citizens into thinking the U.S. government owns and prints its own money. Do folks understand just how HUGE this vote to ban all Covid vaccines in Florida really is?!?!?! Reuters is owned by Thomson Reuters, a Canadian information news company, according to Britannica. The Instagram post features a picture of Jacob Rothschild, the 4th Lord Rothschild, and text that claims his family owns two of the largest news agencies in the world. A Reuters spokesperson responded in a May 30, 2022, email: "Reuters is an independent news organization that operates as part of Thomson Reuters, a publicly traded company that is majority owned by The Woodbridge Company, a holding company for the Thomson family. The Covid vaccines are having a pernicious effect on mental health, emotional states and psychological imbalances! Together they changed the face of history and became known throughout Europe. THE TOP 100 REASONS TO #StopTheTreaty, #StopTheAmendments, and #ExitTheWHO. The logo of Thomson Reuters is pictured at the entrance of its Paris headquarters, France, March 7, 2016 | Charles Platiau/Reuters. (Video), You Are Lying Under Oath: Senator Hawley Slams Archivist Nominee (Video), All Hell Breaks Loose At School Board Meeting When GOP Lawmaker Slams Trans-Inclusive Bathroom Rules (Video). Erasing a Countrys History Also Erases the Country, WW3 ALERT! Over the centuries, the Rothschilds have amassed trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their subterranean vaults and have cornered the worlds gold supply. This is exactly why two gay married men should never be allowed to adopt boys (or anybody other LGBTQIA gender). This rule was strictly adhered to early on but when other rich Jewish banking houses came on the scene, it was relaxed to allow some of the Rothschilds to marry selected members of the new elite. (Video), Russian Military Says Retaliation Strike Killed Over 600 Ukrainian Soldiers, Mysterious Antennas Found In Utahs Hills; Some Speculate Decentralized Blockchain Network, Play-by-play of epic Matt Gaetz-Kevin McCarthy skirmish in the House (Video), Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe 2011 U.S. Supreme Court decision, HOW THEY WILL LIKELY ATTEMPT TO FORCE CBDC UPON US (Video). Former Russian President warns NATO of nuclear war if Russia is defeated in Ukraine, You have to really wonder whats going on behind the scenes of THE GREAT TANK STANDOFF, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: IN HIS OWN WORDS! Nathan Mayer Rothschild started his business in Manchester in 1806 and gradually moved it to London, where in 1809 he acquired the location at 2 New Court in St. Swithin's Lane, City of London, [23] where it operates today; he established N M Rothschild & Sons in 1811. Ron Linker Millfield - Source Rothschild financed England and France in the Napoleonic wars. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York. *ZOG Earthquake Weaponry Strategically Inflicts Overwhelming Catastrophic Damage Across South-Central TurkeyWhodunit & Why? Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state, Scientists Now Want to Create AI Using Real Human Brain Cells, Poilievre exposed as fraud after Christine Andersons Canadian visit, Oh, really, an MSM homosexual presstitute who is married to a man asks Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff about Toxic Masculinity?!?! C.I.A. (Video), Meet the 18-year-old leading the fight to protect children from transgender surgeries. All 5 brothers dedicated themselves to their ancestors world revolutionary dream to control the entire world. Govt. The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, (RELATED: Is Klaus Schwab Related To The Rothschild Family? Even the World Government Summit in Dubai is talking about manufacturing global crises by which to conduct the Great Reset. Whenever a POTUS gets press like this, his days are very short. TRULY SCANDALOUS! August 18, 2020. Like the pharaohs of Egypt who had a grand vizier, Queen Elizabeth 2nd also has a grand vizier who serves as her most trusted advisor. Who knew that super-angry assh*le Al Gore was full of this much ragebecause so many real scientists utterly demolished his fake CO2-driven climate change narrative.?!?!?! They offered junior partnerships to New Englands leading American families. HEADS UP!!! WOW!!! Another Transparently Staged Chemical Disaster That Keeps Getting Worse. After nearly 20 years of turmoil thetreaty of Tien-Tsinin 1858 not only allowed Opium to be imported, but handed over Chinas ports and all her International trade to Western control. (Video), Heres 10 more conspiracy theories that will receive complete validation in 2023, Medical Industry Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Fauci-Backed Premeditated Murder Globalist Agenda by Injection (Videos). The government knowingly authorized the ruination of millions of womens bodies with these Covid injection. Two-Tiered Justice System: 75-Year-Old Former Trump CFO Sent to Rikers Island for Not Paying Taxes on Company Car and Staying at Company Apt. When an ultra-liberal Democrat mayor fights with a super-progressive NWO globalist in the White House!!! Anyone who disputed this arrangement would lose their interest in the Estate. [3] [4] Reuters is one of the largest news agencies in the world. Who paid Seymour Hersh to release his Nord Stream expos when he did and why? Frances Boy President Does His Childspeak and Russophobic Lies at the Very Same Time, Florida governor takes immigration swipe at Biden. I found this an interesting read however theRothchildsdont ownall the Central Banks. Largest Hedge Fund in the World Kicked Out its Founder/CEO to Give the Reins to AI-Directed Management. What is the US Gas Stove Ban REALLY about? Rothschild owns the gold and diamond mines of S. Africa and major extractive industries such as Rio Tinto and British Petroleum. When the Chinese authorities tried to stop the Opium trade, the British sent in their Gunboats. Only a hardcore Khazarian-installed Zio-Nazi regime could ever get away such warmongering chutzpah on the global stage. India will buy oil from wherever is beneficial Energy Minister, Former high ranking UN official comes clean: Oligarchs own the United Nations (Video), TRANSURRECTION! SURVEILLANCE UNDER THE SKIN & UPGRADING HUMANS INTO GOD! FAA Temporarily Grounds All US Flight Departures Amid Nationwide System Failure, Mother Blames Covid Vaccine and Government After Son Develops Blood Clots in His Brain 9 Days Following Vaccine Son Now Has More Clots and a Damaged Heart, NEW: House Republicans Vote to Create New Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Jim Jordan Goes Off on Democrats! Swiss Police And Military Are Setting Up Roadblocks and Checking Finger Prints Near WEF Summit (Video), Woke University of Southern California Removes the Word Fields Because its Racist Vows to Reject White Supremacy, HUGE: Matt Gaetz Reveals Republicans Will Release the 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden (VIDEO), SICK: Self- Proclaimed TransCanine OnlyFans Model Gets Fired for Posting Sex Acts with Dogs, Rep Byron Donalds Wife Erika: The Most Racist Attacks We Experience Are Always From the Left, Democrats Violent Bolshevism Goes Unprosecuted Even When A US Senator Is Attacked, All American hospitals literally got paid BIG BUCKS to murder falsely diagnosed Covid patients with poisonous Remdesivir and other dangerous protocols! After HUGE losses, BlackRock still supports corporation-killing ESG and vows to tear apart the true narrative. It was a futuristic plan that would put specific individuals over the next century into political power positions. Ivanka Trump admits her fathers administration partnered with Moderna to produce mRNA vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed, US encouraging terrorist acts against Russia ambassador, Ex-Russian president warns of nuclear scenario in Ukraine, 2023 will be make-or-break year for Russia. Rothschild controls the message of who really owns $500 trillion of hidden untaxed wealth equal to half of annual world GDP. LAPD Bans Thin Blue Line Flag After Complaint It Represents Racist, Bigoted Views, Dozens of Sheriffs in Illinois to Defy State Assault Weapons Ban, Joe Biden and the CIA Worked to Install Current Communist Regime in Brazil This Was All Planned, They Promised Safe And Effective; We Got Sudden And Unexpected, It looks like the Ukraines national crime syndicate headquartered in Kiev has set up a truly innocent patsy to blame for stolen medical funds, Maryland High School Teacher Sends Sexually Explicit Photos To EVERY Student, REALLY!

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