isaiah 40:31 devotional

Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing (Isaiah 40:26). Then, the chapter ends with powerful encouragement to continue trusting in him: " He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. . Don't become paralyzed and ineffective. The next day, I consumed every type of caffeine I could find to stay awake. The formidable Assyrian army threatened to destroy Jerusalem, and the people were panicked. Isaiah 40:8. Do you ever have a hard time staying encouraged? All rights reserved. Starting in Chapter 40, poetic and prophetic words tell of the comfort, forgiveness and incredible blessings God has in store for those who love and obey Him. (Read Isaiah 40:27-31) The people of God are reproved for their unbelief and distrust of God. Loving Father I know that my strength can only be found in Christ. A God who is not just the glorious creator and sustainer of the creation. Several weeks before Christmas, my daughter called me, and asked, "Mom, could you go get some toys, hot chocolate . You may find that these daily devotions help you start your day on the right foot and bring you closer to God. However, God is not irresponsible. - Isaiah 40:31. they shall mount up with wings like eagles; And to us, on this occasion - THIS MEANS WHAT? What if we placed our trust in God? That's one reason why waiting on God is difficult. Different Translations of Isaiah 40:31 Different Bible translations of verse 31 convey a similar overall meaning. They might let us down. "Comfort, Comfort, my people" (40:1). What does the Bible mean to you? His judgements are just, and His promises are "yes" and "amen", for those that believe His Word, wait on Him, abide in Him - and He in us. God has his reasons for saying no, or saying, wait. Sometimes God will graciously show me how what I was asking for would not have been good for me. . Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. This was a frightening prospect, especially following all the messages of judgement and condemnation Isaiah had already brought to the nations. Read full chapter. I believe youd find that the problems of life couldnt keep you down. - Isaiah 40:31 They stumble and fall because they rely on their own, inner strength and human resources, which are not a sufficient shield in the storms of life. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare[ a] is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins. Whether weve been through a season of trial or just find ourselves burnt out from doing Kingdom work, the result can be a spirit thats worn down. But waiting on God is not easy. Featured December 2022 Comfort and Hope, 801 Seminary Place, Suite L010, Why Do We Need to Be Crucified with Christ? This, he declares, is the basis for our hope. His judgements are just, and His promises are "yes" and "amen", for those that believe His Word, wait on Him, abide in Him - and He in us. New; Topics; Prayer. Isaiah 40:31 / Piano Worship Music. But sometimes those answers are no, or not yet. We grow through our trials. Someone can't seem to wake up! That's right - you'll have access to a daily dose of spiritual inspiration delivered straight to you. In time they are brought to the very end of themselves until they can admit that the refreshment they desperately need has been drawn from the broken cistern of the old, Adamic-life and will eventually run dry, for the energy-source that is powered through the fleshly self-life, will in time be drained of all its self-induced efforts. Required fields are marked *. Heather Adams is an author, speaker, and singer living in Connecticut. John Marcus Text: Isaiah 40:27-31 Theme: RENEWED IN STRENGTH Psalters Numbers: 252 (1-4), 204 (1-4), 277 (1-4), 225 (1-3) Beloved in our Lord Jesus Christ, where is your strength? Isaiah 40 English Standard Version Comfort for God's People 40 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. They shall mount up. Are you someone who's always looking for ways to deepen your faith and connect with God? Daily Devotion Isaiah 40:31 Learning to Wait Waiting on the Lord Sometimes it seems that life is like a tug-of-war game between hurry and wait. to encourage people to have hope for the future. To a God who is above all, who knows all, and has no equal. Isaiah had a heart for the people of Jerusalem and beyond. They are a call to us all to turn from any wrongdoing in our lives and live by faith and not by sight - to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. My expectation is from Him. Do not look back! Sovereign: Above or superior to all others/Supreme in power, rank, or authority. Daily Devotion Hope: The Anchor of the Soul If you are feeling battered by a storm in your life, remember God's promises cannot fail. Most Popular. - Isaiah 40:31. they shall run and not be weary; When we don't. S: "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. GOD IS AWARE! His grace is enough for every eventuality in life and His provision comes through faith in His beloved Son. Thesewords of comfortwere given to Israel after Isaiah's repeated warning of approaching punishment if they did not repent of their evil ways, nevertheless the Lord is a God of comfort and grace. Caffeinated drinks can help you stay awake when youve not gotten enough sleep. Isaiah 40:31 uses this same term: "Yet those who wait for the L ORD will gain new strength." If you are waiting for God to work this week, keep on waiting! This is a good word for the weary: You may grow faint, but God doesnt. Its an opportunity to flex our faith muscles. His plans are usually different than ours His ways are usually different than ours. But in this verse God does promise that if we will slow down and wait for Him, in quiet confidence, then He will strengthen us. However, this realization of living a victorious, faith-confident life will only be experienced . He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. What would happen then? - Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) Do you ever have a hard time staying encouraged? Many foolish frets, and foolish fears, would . God showed me His ways and thoughts are much higher than mine (Isaiah 55:8-9). His plans are usually different than ours His ways are usually different than ours. Daily, I am tempted to get right to work and plunge into whatever needs my attention. He never goes back on His Word nor does He grow weary - and in His loving-kindness He gives grace to the humble and renews the strength of those that wait upon Him, by faith. In His name I pray, AMEN. Or connect with her on Facebook. But what is Paul getting at here in particular? LORD, we wait on You to carry us this day through things too strong and swift moving for us. Have you not heard? Tag: Devotion for Isaiah 40:31 "Wait on God!" January 10, 2020 Leave a comment "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint," Isaiah 40:31 I must admit that patience is not a top priority on our list of must-do priorities. Find spiritual inspiration when - read Today's Bible Verse and the Deovtional Scripture Passage for Today. Thats part of living here on earth. St Louis, MO 63105. Heathers passion is to equip and encourage believers to seek more of Gods truth and to experience more of His joy each day. Finally, the runner soared on wings into the azure like an eagle against the blue. And in those situations, its easy to focus on our problems so much that were ready to give up. His plans are ALWAYS better than mine. This is evident in the first part of Isaiah 40:31, "But those who hope in the Lord" (emphasis mine). I believe I have been in a season of waiting. Tradition holds that Isaiah was put to death during the reign of King Manasseh around the year 680 BC. King Hezekiah had worked hard during his reign to clear out idol worship and restore a sense of purity in Judah. You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain. Because there is such a variety of writing styles and jumps in historical time frames (including before the Babylonians invasion and then after the exile of the Israelites), some scholars have mentioned the possibility of this book being the work of several authors, each writing in different eras. Isaiah 40:31. And eventually, we learn to trust Gods character more than what he can do for us. 2. A.W. 1 page. Chapters 1-39 list accusations by God and warnings of His oncoming wrath. But altering your courage, endurance, and your certainty of victory will make a difference. The Lord our God is faithful and true to His Word and He satisfies our years with good things so that our youth is renewed like that of an eagle. Grant me the strength to walk the hard, narrow, winding path. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Isaiah responded to these questions with his own: Have you not known? If fear and anxiety are things you struggle with, lets walk this path together and find help in our NEW 30 Day Devotional. What is the circle of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)? In Isaiah 40:30 the verb stands first, Isaiah 40:30 being like a concessive clause in relation to Isaiah 40:31. I can say that I have truly learned how to trust God. 40:27-31). But we get impatient, wanting things to happen by our timetables. Help me I pray, to trust implicitly in the power that I can only receive from my Lord, Christ Jesus. The Israelites who first received this promise were worn out from their hardship. God is faithful. Christian Devotional relating to God renewing our strength to soar as eagles from Isaiah 40:31. . We may expect Isaiah to share the wisdom of physical rest, exercise, diet, and so forth. Devotions by Chapter . The Complete Jewish Bible uses the title Adonai, or God is my Lord, while the Orthodox Jewish translation reads Heshem meaning the Name. But they, like the others, both stress that we find our strength only in God, for He is our all-in-all. It shows a great command of the Hebrew language, using poetic features like personification, dialogue, metaphors and parables, or stories. So why not give it a try? 2:44 am. Whether the promises of God are for Israel or given to the Church, God's Word is true. In His presence is fullness of joy. Isaiah 40:12-31. It starts with the voice of a loving Father to his children who have just been released from Babylon to return home. Isaiah 39. Pastor Drew Hunter helps readers grasp the message of Isaiah, a prophetic book about the God who saves his people from their sins. They will fly high on wings like eagles.

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isaiah 40:31 devotional

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