hind ibn abi hala description of the prophet

You guide to the straight path whomsoever You will., Allah revealed the Quran to him and through it He taught him good manners. 151, For this We sent a Messenger to you from among you to recite Our Signs to you and purify you and teach you the Book and Wisdom and teach you things you did not know before. Allah adorned him with all the qualities and good administration, At the time when the Quran was being revealed to him, he used to smile most. Get the latest Muslim Hands news delivered to your inbox. If his hair became parted naturally in the middle he left it so, otherwise he did not habitually make an effort to part his hair in the middle. He was the most modest, without pride, and his tongue was most eloquent without prolongation of speech. , Saturday 4th AprilSpring Lodge RetreatNottingham, UK, Habib Ali taught three classes on the portrait (shama'il) of the Prophet Muhammad as mentioned in the famous trad, | 11 | - - - | , | 10 | | , | 9 | | , | 8 | | , Enjoy the full SoundCloud experience in the app. The place between his shoulders was wide. His hair was slightly curled., COMMENTARY Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 81, 111. He accepted sports and pastimes as lawful, played with his wives and held races with them. I wanted him to describe them to me so that I could retain them in my mind. His Physical Description Al-Hasan asked Hind ibn Abi Hala to describe the Prophet . Often people are nave about the vast historical, political and social stimuli that impact, Very rarely we hear positive stories of inter-religious affairs in the news nowadays. It is becoming a cultural trend that conflict and controversy drive the propaganda for the media, fuelled by politicized religions, and even more so between the religions of the people of the Book and Islam. The opinions of Allaamah Munaawi is that it was something sensory, and not a similarity, which emitted miraculously from between the teeth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). Even and soft, a bit of flesh drooping at the lower end. (Hind bin Abi Hala), Mouth: Therein it is stated that Allah Taaala bestowed fully on the Prophet (peace be upon him) all the inner kamaalat (perfection) and Zaahiri (apparent) beauty. Snerna avled vid spd lder. Please "like" it and suggest it to your friends. He inspects his companions and asks people about their wellbeing, he improves the good and confirms it, and faults the ugly and disapproves it, he was moderate in his matters, not different, he does not neglect for fear that they may overlook or bore, to each case he has solution, he does not fall short of the truth, and does not go beyond it to others that have been colored by them, The best of them to him is the most general in advice, and the greatest of them to him is the best of them in comfort and support. Hind ibn Abi Hala,(brother) Hind ibn Abi Hala,(sister) Hala Ibn Abi Hala,(brother). His forearm was long and palms were wide and fleshed. The meaning of the hilyah is as follows: "I asked my uncle Hind ibn Abi Hala, who knew the Prophet very well, about the features of the Messenger of Allah. The embellishment and ornamentation of the Hilya Sharif also takes on many different forms & styles. The ulama say that he used the phrase `face of the earth because Sayyidina Esa (Alaihis salaam) is also from the ones who had seen Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), and is present in the skies (heavens). When he retired to his house, he divided his time into three parts one part for Allah, one for his family and one for himself. Thick, sometimes touching ear lobes and sometimes reaching upto shoulders.- (Bara bin Azib) I asked my father about how the Messenger of Allah (saw) was at home. Those Muslims who lived at the same time as the Prophet (saas) have described many aspects of the servant of Allah. Through his teachings and leadership as fourth caliph, Ali nourished Islam. "Whoever brings a good deed (Islmic Monotheism and deeds of obedience to Allh and His Messenger [Peace Be Upon Him]) shall have ten times the like thereof to his credit" {Al-Qur'an 6:160} http://www.facebook.com/pages/ALLAH-U-AKBAR/Words-from-Allah-His-books-and-His-Prophets-peace-be-upon-them/158401674200526, " O Prophet! Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings), Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001,VolumeII, p.241, 121. That appeared in Part IV of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Stories of the Prophets), under the heading Some Attributes of the Prophet Muhammad (saas): The blessed one had a beautiful appearance, his limbs were in perfect proportion, his body was well-formed, his forehead and chest and the distance between his shoulders were broad. 4, p. 340, 126. This has been reported in a narration from Sayyidina Hind bin Abi Haalah (Radiallahu Anhu) and others. Other narrators [at-Tabarani and others] added:I [al-Husain (ra)] asked [Ali (ra)] what his (saw) silence was like? Inspired by the Prophets Manners: The Prophets Kindness Towards People of the Book. This is contrary to what has been reported in the other ahaadith, where it is stated that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) lived there for thirteen years and attained the age of sixty three years. Tirmidhi, Shamail-e-Tirmizi, Kitab Bhavan Publication, New Delhi, 1997, p.167, 149. http://www.universalunity.net/quran4 /035.qmt.html, 150. [2] Translations in context of "ABI" in english-hindi. [3] Scholars have posited multiple explanations for his name, including that he was Persian and from Hindujn, his possible Indian heritage, and that he was an Arab descendant . He was somewhat. While some of those describe him in broad terms, others have given long and detailed descriptions. Very rare is the positive coverage between. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. They would not vie with one-another in his presence to speak, but when one would talk in his presence the rest would listen until he finished. His hair was neither very curly nor completely straight. His assembly was one of clemency, modesty, patience and trust. In essence, his excellent morality, sharp powers of reasoning were greater than those of all other people and worthy of great praise. Abd-Allah ibn Muhammed, vdiq n fmijri n vitin 615. Somewhat high with unique brightness whereby it looked large at first sight. (Hind bin Abi Hala), Cheeks: Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Ali (ra)] about how the Messenger of Allah (saw) behaved at home and when he was out, his assemblies and about his features. His mubarak face shone like the full moon. When he turned to address somebody, he turned his whole body completely [giving full attention]. This proposal called for the. '107, Rasulullah (saas) had a ring made of silver and its (inlaid) gem was also of silver.108. Chest broad. (Bara bin Azib) Habib Ali taught three classes on the portrait (shama'il) of the Prophet Muhammad as mentioned in the famous tradition of Hind ibn Abi Hala. The majority of his laughter was [restricted to] smiling.. His skin was extremely white, his beard was black, his mouth was pleasant, his eyebrows were long, and his shoulders were wide", "I never touched silk or any soft fabric equal to the softness of his palm, and I never smelled a scent more pleasing than his.". However, Muslims have devised many methods to be reminded of the Prophet without using images. He had full calves. He made salaam to whomsoever he met, COMMENTARY His hair was neither very curly nor very straight, but had a slight wave in it. This type of word is used in the Arabic language for connecting words, but because no special quality or attribute is derived, some Muhadditheen (scholars of hadeeth) are of the opinion that if the letter `Jeem' has a fatah (zabar) on it, it means something that is between straight and bent. Whether or not he had used scent, his skin always had a lovely scent to it. We ran another test print run. From the above hadith, it does not mean that he had white complexion like silver; rather he had a white and reddish complexion, in which the beauty and brightness was overwhelming. He is well served and attended, who is neither a scowler nor a prattler. If someone were to sit with him or come in search of a favor he would be patient with them until they (the guest) would be the one to leave. In this present time, we believe it is particularly important to revive the practice of displaying the Hilya Sharif in our homes. Zainab bint MUHAMMAD 598-629. If he spoke, he struck with his right palm the inside of his left thumb. He would not rise nor sit down without praise [to God]. 05080486 in England. There was a vein between them that used to expand when he became angry. He was balanced and consistent. He did not store up for more than a year the provision of his family members which Allah was pleased to give him. He did not interrupt anyone speaking until that person had himself come to an end by either speaking or getting up from where he was sitting. Nor did I smell any musk or any other fragrance, more sweet smelling than the fragrance of Rasullullah (saas).126, I never smelt ambergris or musk as fragrant as the fragrance of the body of Allahs Messenger (saas) and I never touched brocade or silk and found it as soft as the body of Allahs Messenger (saas).127. If his hair became parted naturally in the middle he left it so, otherwise he did not habitually make an effort to part his hair in the middle. His beard was full and dense. Voel vry om Wikipedia te help deur dit uit te brei. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings), Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001,VolumeII, p.241, 120. When one first looked at him, it seemed as if he had a large nose, but looking at it carefully showed that the lustre and beauty made it look large, otherwise in itself the nose was not large.. We hope to help Muslims around the world to benefit from the unique blessings of this extraordinary design. Another report comes from Assib bin Yazid (ra): I saw the seal in between his shoulders.83. Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, an important scholar from Ottoman times, wrote a study that effectively summarized descriptions of the Prophet (saas)s features. Obaidah ibn al-Harith ibn Abdul-Muttalib, was the first Muslim to be killed in battle. There was a thin line of hair from the chest to the navel. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. His palms were softer than wool. Broad forehead, slanting thick brows parted in the middle. THE PHYSICAL APPEARANCE OF THE PROPHET . Habib Ali introduced the topic by explaining that four sciences contribute to the study of the Prophet : 1. Be a part of this journey & sponsor a clip in memory of your loved ones (first-come, fi On the side of Khadija bint KHUWAYLID 555-620. with MAOM MUHAMMAD 570-632. He did not reserve a special place for himself and forbade other people to do so. His chest was broad and the space between his shoulders wide. If he gestured, he did so with his whole palm. He was patient with a stranger who had coarse language. His skin was extremely white, his beard was black, his mouth was pleasant, his eyebrows were long, and his shoulders were wide, I never touched silk or any soft fabric equal to the softness of his palm, and I never smelled a scent more pleasing than his.. His neck was like that of a statue made of pure silver. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It was allowed him to enter his house for his own comfort. Imam 'Ali (ra) was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet (saw). His head was large, and he had hair that was neither curly nor straight. In order to understand the message of Islam, it is first necessary to acquaint ourselves with the prophet of Islam. The front teeth had a slight space between them. The scholars interpret this word in several ways. He concerned himself with them and kept them busy doing things that were good for them and the community. When one first looked at him, it seemed as if he had a large nose, but looking at it carefully showed that the luster and beauty made it look large, otherwise in itself the nose was not large. Body well built, bones joining limbs large and strong.- (Hind bin Abi Hala) All three explanations are correct because the walk of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) fulfilled all three descriptions and the word also conveys these three meanings. You cannot, as the popular saying goes, separate the message from the messenger. This is because Muslims hold all prophets, most especially the Prophet Muhammad , in the highest honor, and Muslim scholars have long agreed that any depiction of any of the prophets will always fall short of the reverence and honour due to them.. His head was well formed and set on a slender neck. Rasulullah (s) had a very luminous complexion (color), and a wide forehead. If he visited a gathering he would sit wherever the group ended (and not at their head) and he encouraged the same. Any person who saw him suddenly would become awe-inspired. If he entered into his home he was a man like any other; cleaning his own garment, milking his own goat, and serving himself. He was somewhat. His eye brows were of dense and fine hair. His face shone like the full moon. How true! He did not take any revenge for personal wrongs but he used take it for preservation of the honor of Allah. In order to understand the message of Islam, it is first necessary to acquaint ourselves with the prophet of Islam. He was the most generous and the most truthful. On that night he wore red clothing. Besides this line neither the chest nor the stomach had other hair on it. He had black attractive eyes. He did not look for praise except to counterbalance something. Other narrators of this hadith include the grandsons of the Prophet (saw), al-Hasan (ra) who was seven years old when the Prophet (saw) passed away and his younger brother by two years al-Husain (ra). He had little flesh on his heels.. The seal of Prophethood was situated between his shoulders. He stayed in Mecca ten years and at Medina for ten years and Allah (SWT) the Mighty, the Majestic made him die when he was sixty. The course covers the science of Shama'il, or the description of the Prophet based on the famous hadith by Hind ibn Abi Hala. We developed a design with our friends in the UK, and ran some test print runs. He had the kindest and best behaviour of all people, being like a father to them. His hair reached his shoulders. And may God bless the best of people, our master, our beloved and our role model, Muhammad and his family and companions, and grant them peace. He used to speak the truth even though it was sometimes a cause of trouble to himself and his companions. He had a thin line of hair running from the chest to the navel. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. It may also be possible that in this case it refers to the description of the hair of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), and as described before, his mubarak (blessed) hair had a slight curl in it. His chest and stomach were in line, but his chest was broad and wide. This entry was posted on April 16, 2009 at 4:37 pm and is filed under Prophet Muhammad. His speech was just, with neither excess nor deficiency. 237-241. Ibrahim bin Muhammad (ra), one of the grandchildren of Ali (ra), reports: Whenever Ali (ra) described the nobel features of Rasulullah (saas), he used to say: The seal of Prophethood was situated between his shoulders. When he was angry, he turned away and averted his face. He would not speak unnecessarily. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 81, 110. He did not censure anything nor criticise or praise the taste of food. From this hadeeth, some scholars are of the opinion that it is permissible for men to wear red coloured clothing. Rasullullah (saas) therefore had a ring made, the whiteness of which is still before my eyes.109, The inscription engraved on the ring of Rasulullah (saas) was Muhammad Rasulullah, of which in the first line was engraved Muhammad, in the second line Rasul, and in the third line Allah.110, I did not see anyone more handsome than Rasulullah (saas). He asked about his Companions [ra] and he asked people how other people were. I desired and wanted him to describe them to me because I wanted something to hold on to. . His hair was neither delicate nor curly. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings), Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001,VolumeII, p.242, 133. The Ulama say that Sayyidina (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) walked at the back because of his humbleness. On one particular journey, for instance, he stopped somewhere and asked for water from those around him. Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) faced the person he spoke to, with his chest and body. He did not treat harshly to anybody and accepted excuses offered to him. However in this Hadith, Imam Tirmidi has translated this to mean wide eyes, as a narrator of this hadith has done, which according to the linguists is not correct. The wise respected him in accordance with their degree. The words came one after another like pearls. He forbade upon himself three things: Argument, arrogance, and that which did not concern him. She was born in Mecca, probably the fifth of their six children. He had protruding joints and shoulder-blades Between his shoulders was the seal of prophecy He had a finer chest than anyone else, was truer in utterance than anyone else, had the gentlest nature and the noblest lineage. Finally, we had a version that we hope is worthy of this noble design. When he looked at something, he turned his whole body towards it. Whenever any excess money came to him and if he did not then get anyone to accept it as charity, he did not return home till he gave it to the poor and the needy. He had thick hands and thick fingers and toes." [At-Tirmithi] Hind Ibn Abi Haalah, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, had large palms . Change). He was neither very white, nor very brown. Both sides, the shoulders and the upper portion of the chest had hair. He used to keep silent for long and not talk without necessity. But the final fate of the disbelievers is the Fire. He died in the year 110 Hijri. Log in. Were also working with our calligrapher & designer to develop a new version of the Hilya Sharif that incorporates English translations of the Arabic text. His mubarak head was moderately large. This was on the night of miraaj or in a dream. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 115. That endless destroyer remains intoxicated day and night. Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani, Maariful Hadith, (Meaning and Message of the Traditions), Darul Ishaat Publications, Karachi, Volume III, 1652/287, 98. The hair of Rasulullah (saas) reached till half of his ears.84, The blessed hair of Rasulullah (saas) was longer than those that reached the ear lobes, and shorter than those that reached the shoulders.85, Rasulullah (saas) was of average height, and the portion between the two shoulders was wide. His expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime. His blessed glance was focused more to the ground than towards the sky. COMMENTARY Umaymah was the wife of Jahsh ibn Ri'ab alAsadi. He was not negligent, fearing that people would become negligent or weary. He was cautious about four things: in adopting something good which then would be followed, in abandoning something bad which then would be abandoned, in striving to determine what would be beneficial for his nation and in establishing for them what would combine the business of this world and the next. Of his conduct in the part reserved for himself was that he would show preference to the people of merit and would divide the time according to their excellence in the religion. . Occasionally he used to part his hair in the middle with a comb etc. In the famous description of Hind ibn Abi Hala, the Prophet's stepson from the Lady Khadija, "He was dignified and awe inspiring, radiant like the radiance of the moon on the night it is full"[14. He did not get angry because of it. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p.80, 109. Another report comes from Fazl ibn Abbas (ra): The Holy Prophet (saas) said: Adopt white clothes; it is the best attire. He was a last of all prophets.80 Abu Nadrah (ra) says: I asked Abu Saeed Khudari (ra) about the Seal of Prophethood of Rasulullah (saas) He said: It was a piece of raised flesh that was on Rasulullah (saas)s back.81, The place between his shoulders were wide and therein there was impression or seal of Prophethood inclined a little towards the right shoulder.82. He would give all those sitting with him their just due [to the extent that] they would each feel that none was more important to him than them. He used to say, Those who are present should convey things to those who are absent, and you should let me know about what is needed by people who cannot convey their needs to me. I [al-Husain (ra) addressing his father Ali (ra)] then said: Tell me about when he went out and how he behaved then?. The space between his shoulders was wide. back, Abu Hurayrah (Radiallahu anhu) says: Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was so clean, clear, beautiful and handsome, as though his body was covered and moulded in silver. The hands and feet of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) were fully fleshed. To draw a pen-picture of his appearance is beyond ones capability, but the Sahabah (Radiallahu anhum) have endeavoured, according to their capabilities, to preserve what little they could, of which some is written here. He was not pompous, nor denigrating. back, It is related from Jaabir (Radiallahu anhu) that he said: I once saw Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) on the night of a full moon. He was never angered by matters of this life nor that which was associated with it. All these similarities are approximate descriptions, otherwise even a thousand moons cannot give the brightness of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). Hala ibn Abi Hala, ndoshta vdiq para vitit 610. Some Ulama in the translation of this sentence, have expressed other opinions. He would not rise nor sit down without praise [to God]. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings), Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001,VolumeII, p.242, 134. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a very luminous complexion (colour), and a wide forehead. he looked at a thing, with modesty and bashfulness, hence he did not stare at anything. Generally, his laughter consisted of a smile and he showed his teeth which were as white as hailstones. Upon my request, my uncle Hind ibn Abi Hala said: "Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was gallant and glorious by birth. His body was proportionately jointed. He would not speak unnecessarily. It is therefore only natural to wish to study the life of Muhammad (pbuh), his manners and his morals, and to see how Islam manifested itself in his person as a living example for all Muslims till . (It means his character, family back-ground and everything else was of the best). We hope to work with traditionally trained designers & artists from various parts of the world to help make the Hilya available in other styles. At the end of this kitaab all three ahaadith will be quoted. He laughed at what they laughed at and was surprised at what surprised them. They would not expose one-anothers errors, but would be equal, encouraging each-other in the fear of God. When he did not oil it, it showed.92. He took a balanced course, without making changes. When the hair of the prophet was abundant, it used to pass over his ear- lobes). Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 19, 144. Sometimes the hair was shortened, sometimes longer hair was kept. His face was not quite round but inclined to roundness. (Hazrat Ali(R.A)) His eye brows were of dense and fine hair , His neck was beautiful and thin, like the neck of a statue shaved clean, the color of which was clear, shining and beautiful like silver. This was not due to his hight, but was a result of a Mujizah (Miracle). His speech was just, with neither excess nor deficiency. Qurtubi says: The full beauty and elegance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) has not been made manifest, otherwise it would not have been possible for man to look at him. He had splendid kneecaps, elbow joints and shoulder blades, free from hair. His nose was prominent and had a luster on it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. His voice was very commanding. In making a comparison with a sword, it may have meant that Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a long face. The Prophet (saas) was a man known for his effective, wise and concise manner of speaking. Prophet's Speech and Communication Style (Hadith of Hind ibn Abi Hala) | #OurProphet | EP215 - YouTube 0:00 / 39:51 Imam Hasan's narration on the Prophet's way of speaking Prophet's. As for his reflection, it was upon what would endure and what would vanish. They helped those with needs and showed mercy to strangers. Anas bin Malik (Radiallhu Anhu) reports, Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, he was neither very tall nor very short. He did not have a big body nor a round face, but his mubaarak face was slightly round (meaning he did not have a fully round face nor a fully elongated face, bur in between the two). He was balanced and consistent. Two verses (couplets) are narrated from Sayyiditina Aaishah (Radiallahu Anha), the meaning of which is: that if the friends of Zulaikha could see the blessed face of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), they would have cut their hearts instead of their hands. Bless us in it and give us more of it, for no food or drink satisfies like milk.147, The Prophet (saas) took great care to distribute water, particularly on journeys. Muhammed och Khadidja levde tillsammans i tjugofem r. Occasionally he used to part his hair in the middle with a comb etc. Firstly, there is a ro`b (awe) for physical beauty, with this when other Kamaalat are added what more could then be said of the rob (awe). When he walked he walked briskly (Taqalla), he leaned forward as if he was walking on a decline (Sabab). Umm Hakim known as alBayda' (the fair one) was the wife of Karir ibn Rabi'ah ibn Habib ibn `Abd Shams. When he speaks, his listeners knock their heads, as if bird is on their heads, and when he is silent, they speak. When he was silent, they talked, but did not quarrel in his presence. He spent long periods in silence. There were some hair on shoulders, arms and upper chest. (Hind bin Abi Hala), General Structure: The main narrator of this hadith is the Companion, Hind ibn Abu Halah (ra) who is Lady Khadijahs (ra) son from a previous husband, i.e. Description who came to talk is to describe Hind Ibn Abi Hala protg of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and the description or the Temple of the Prophet when he passed by the Prophet, peace be upon him and his companions. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings, VolumeII, p.240, 117. Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani, Maariful Hadith, (Meaning and Message of the Traditions), Darul Ishaat Publications, Karachi, Volume 4, p.335, 123. You cannot, as the pop Oh Allah! Sy word beskou deur die Moslems as die "Moeder van die gelowiges" (d.w.s Moslems), sy was ook die eerste persoon wat tot Islam bekeer het. He was fine sinewed. It is stated in the hadeeth under discussion that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) lived for ten years in Makkah Mukarramah after nubuwwah (prophethood). Imam Tirmidi has mentioned this Hadith in many chapters where the speech and humility of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) are described.

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hind ibn abi hala description of the prophet

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