epsrc new investigator award example

Think of this as your report to the prioritisation panel, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses you identified in the individual questions and then making a clear and explicit recommendation about whether or not you believe the application warrants funding. Principal Investigator . However, unless there are exceptional reasons why an organisation cannot meet the requirements to be a project partner, EPSRC will not accept letters of support. This funding opportunity is only open to early career researchers who meet the eligibility requirements of the EPSRC New Investigator Award scheme. ParkerDerringtonLtd WorkshopHandout Case for Support as a Sales Pitch GlobalSalesPitch: "The Project is Important". The reviewer form asks reviewers to score their confidence as low, medium or high. Projects made up of multiple proposals have additional guidance. When applying: Select 'documents', then 'new document'. This award enables researchers to develop flexible, creative and tailored approaches to increase the impact of their research by building new or developing existing partnerships locally and across the . You should also comment on the suitability of arrangements for accessing resources other than through the grant, such as by collaboration with external groups. So nothing is missed, EPSRC recommends that you follow the Cost to the Proposal headings used in the application form. EPSRC have this week re-launched their grant funding scheme targeted specifically at Early Career Researchers. Reviewers should assess the application based on the criteria listed in the review form on the understanding that EPSRC has accepted the application to the scheme. When undertaking your assessment of the research project, you should consider the unequal impacts of the impact that COVID-19 related disruption might have had on the track record and career development of those individuals included in the proposal, and you should focus on the capability of the applicant and their wider team to deliver the research they are proposing. Beyond the immediate use-case of CNNs for automation, there is an opportunity to leverage the internal representations learned by CNNs to perform large-scale data mining and support biological discovery. Complex, multi-faceted research projects with many objectives are not appropriate to the new investigator award. Customer Reviews. Normally you might expect to see a plausible hypothesis with some basis within the published literature, and some clearly identified objectives that sensibly test that hypothesis. Case for support, totalling up to eight A4 sides, comprising up to two A4 sides for a track record, and six A4 sides describing proposed research and its context. Any investigators who do not have a Je-S account must register for one at least 7 working days before the opportunity deadline. . The new investigator award supports both theoretical and experimental research projects across EPSRCs remit. The NIA is an individual award which is intended to support the principal investigator in developing research independence, and the proposal should be developed accordingly. Particularly with the increased pressures of COVID-19, EPSRC would like to stress to assessors that any cash or in kind support from the university for a grant is regarded as a benefit to building partnerships but is not expected to equate to cash or its equivalent (for example, provision of studentships, secondments, training and access to equipment). Designing and developing new in situ synchrotron experiments in collaboration with central facility scientists, including the drafting of . The outcome of the application will not affect the applicants eligibility to apply for the NIA scheme. This question requires an answer. The new investigator award is for people who hold an academic lectureship position at UK higher education institutions, research council institutes, UKRI-approved independent research organisations and NHS bodies, and have not previously led an academic research group or been the recipient of a significant grant. New Investigator Awards cannot be used to provide support of any sort for a studentship. Acceptance to the New Investigator Award scheme is judged by EPSRC before the application is sent to expert peer review and is made on the basis of the content of the cover letter and the level of resources requested in the application. The New Investigator Award scheme (which replaces the First Grant scheme) includes a number of changes from the previous scheme of which researchers who are considering applying should be aware.. There is no one format to an excellent research programme: the research could directly build on previous work, or it could take a leap forward. If you need a transcript of the video on writing strong funding applications, email the web team: web@ukri.org. You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place. The changes also mean that some researchers who may have previously been ineligible to . . Text in tables and figure labels not within embedded diagrams or pictures should be at least 11 point. All relevant parts of the ethical information section must be completed. Please leave enough time for your proposal to pass through your organisations Je-S submission route before this date. Clinical research training fellowship. There are 2 parallel funding routes to this funding opportunity: The full economic cost of your project can be up to 200,000 with a duration of up to 2 years. https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/epsrc-new-investigator-award, Artificial intelligence and robotics theme, Information and communication technologies theme, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S), new investigator award statement of expectations, new investigator awards: applicant eligibility guidelines, are employed at the submitting research organisation at lecturer level and have not previously received a significant award or led an academic research group. It is also a helpful technique to raise issues or concerns with the application in the form of explicit questions for the applicants. Typical examples are the production of ammonia, which is a process that needs to be catalysed by iron, or the production . In recent years, we have witnessed impressive developments in the mathematical modelling of complex physiological systems. Specific guidance is available for each section of the report to be completed. Wellcome Trust Research Fellow in Coventry . EPSRC New Investigator Awards: Open to eligible researchers in any research area at any . Projects should be self-contained and have a single research vision with clearly defined objectives and outcomes. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. This funding opportunity is only open to early career researchers who meet the eligibility requirements of EPSRC's New Investigator Award scheme. is based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. For example, we often have . EPSRC new investigator award. RESEARCH FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW INVESTIGATORS . Letters should be project relevant, written by project partners when the proposal is being prepared, and dated within six months of the proposal submission date. Some funding opportunities may have specific requirements, which will be described in the funding opportunity. cover letter optional attachment (mandatory for New Investigator Award), no page limit, not seen by peer review. Arial narrow and Calibri are not allowable font types. You should provide your overall assessment of the application. For equipment in the range 25,000 to 138,000, quotations obtained verbally are acceptable and should be detailed in the proposal. You should explicitly consider the amount of time being allocated to the project by the applicant in this assessment. The applicant should have provided appropriate methodology to deliver the research and impact programme. Please select the Lead Agency agreement under which you wish to apply. on the project details page: new investigator award. The purpose of the New Investigator Award (NIA) scheme is to address a gap which has been identified in the funding landscape and support researchers in their transition to an independent research career. Capitalising on clusters of design excellence, Green Transition Ecosystems (GTEs) are large scale projects that focus on translating the best design-led research into real-world benefits. Closing date 24 March 2023. Also, as Je-S does not support all Microsoft Office Word font types, unsupported fonts will be replaced, possibly resulting in layout changes to the document. Early career researcher collaborations for global development. We expect the majority of your research to fall within our remit. Multiple periods of PDRA supervision are likely to be considered holistically in terms of the skills the candidate has had the opportunity to develop, to avoid duplicating the aims of the NIA. The aim of the scheme is to support them in establishing a research group and developing their own research vision. https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/early-career-researcher-international-collaboration-grants, New Investigator Award frequently asked questions, San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), eligibility requirements of the EPSRC New Investigator Award scheme, EPSRC repeatedly unsuccessful applicants policy, Read about support available on EPSRC grants for people with caring responsibilities, trusted research and innovation principles, EPSRC framework for responsible innovation, Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system, EPSRC guidance on project partners letter of support, Advice on writing proposals for EPSRC funding, Guidance on completing ethical information on the Je-S form, UK Research and Innovation grant terms and conditions, an early career researcher who meets the eligibility requirements of the EPSRC New Investigator Award scheme. The Vice Chancellor's Fellow at the School of Chemistry of the University of Bristol, has won an EPSRC New Investigator Award worth 392,000. Impact can take many forms over widely varying timescales. British Geotechnical Association - Gold Medal for best paper of 2020 2020. International Young Geotechnical Engineer Conference Award, Engineers Ireland Aug 2009. It might involve developing a commercial product or service, or creating a new technology, but it could also be about improved medical or healthcare, contributions to national planning or social policy or engaging the public in the outputs of research. The following information takes an ESRC Standard Grant application as a template but the information is also applicable to other funders. We understand that in some research areas it might be more appropriate to request up to 35%, however anything above this would be more appropriate in standard mode. This should report your own confidence, or otherwise, in being able to make your assessment rather than your confidence in the success of the application if it were funded. If, in your judgement, it appears that the New Investigator Award is essentially to supplement the student project, this should be assigned a low score and treated as a flawed proposal. The webinar will last for an hour, it will begin with a presentation from the EPSRC international team and will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions about the funding opportunity. Speaker: Dirk Husmeier. There is no page limit, but letters should be on headed paper, and be signed and dated within six months of the proposal submission date. You must apply using the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system. Equipment over 10,000 in value (including VAT) is not available through this funding opportunity. Applicants are asked to set their proposal in context in terms of the current state of knowledge and other work under way in the field. EP/S036490/1). This must be attached, as a single document, using the Case for Support attachment type in the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system. We process and handle personal information according to these regulations. complements other UK research already funded in the area, including any relationship to the EPSRC portfolio. You will be given 2 weeks to provide a response to the questions raised by the introducers. New England Board of Higher Education Doctoral Scholar, 1995-2000. . Sub-contracting costs can be claimed as an exception to bring in non-standard expertise and is relevant to research and help further the partnership but it needs to be distinguished from a co-investigator. Potential complications related to COVID-19 should not affect your assessment or the score you give the project. Quotes should include VAT, delivery charges and incorporate any standard academic discounts. You should comment on how clearly this is described, how appropriate it is for the planned activities, and their scientific and technical feasibility. CVs are not required for principal or co-investigators on standard proposals, project partner letters of support where applicable, for all named project partners and no page limit, letters of support in exceptional circumstances a maximum of three letters with no page limit, equipment quotes where applicable with no page limit, equipment business case is required for any items or combined assets with a value above 138,000 maximum of two A4 sides, technical assessment for the use of a major facility where applicable and no page limit, host organisation statement for New Investigator Award applications and no page limit. Where candidates are unclear on their eligibility for a particular scheme after consulting the guidance, frequently asked questions, and their research office, then they can contact EPSRC for advice. Your application is assessed by peer review. Direct responsibility to the holders of the research award. epsrc new investigator award example. The panel will then use the information provided in the applications and the responses to the questions raised by the introducers to rank the proposals, using the assessment criteria, at a prioritisation panel meeting. Working within the project team for the EPSRC project "Linking formation mechanisms, nanostructure and function in metal oxide nanosheets using multimodal characterisation" (EP/W026937/1). This helps reviewers make informed judgements about whether the resources requested are appropriate for the research proposed. EPSRC will not support overheads, salary or research activity costs for overseas researchers during times that they are not working in the UK. Certainty of outcome is not an indicator of excellence, but neither is an incremental approach necessarily an indicator that a proposal lacks excellence. Find out more about eligibility for new investigator awards. CAREER "Utilization of Mechanochemistry for the Minimization of Solvent Waste" National Science . Summary. The additional information will be requested from you in late March 2023. The proposal cover letter should also be used to highlight anything that has been discussed and agreed with EPSRC staff beforehand. HiDRA (Hierarchical Deep Representations of Anatomy) will address these challenges by developing a "multi-view-multi-task" approach that is . Apply for funding to initiate or develop new international partnerships with researchers overseas and to tackle the challenges faced by developing countries.. This is a very strong application that fully meets all assessment criteria. The new target requires the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050. You should ensure you are aware of and follow any internal institutional deadlines that may be in place. GTEs will connect directly with the wider Future Observatory: Design the Green Transition programme. Planning for activities that maximise the likelihood of any identified impacts occurring is a vital part of research. You can look for examples of funded projects by searching for new investigator in our online portfolio. They should be completed in single-spaced Arial 11 font or similar-sized sans serif typeface. They should be read in conjunction with the reviewer principles. The Adaptus Research Group EPSRC may reject applications that do not meet attachment format requirements. yBirgit van Huijgevoort and Soe Haesaert are with the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands zOliver Schon and sadegh Soudjani are with Newcastle University, United Kingdom This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. However, prioritisation meetings generally find reviews most useful where they explicitly identify the main strengths and weaknesses in the application, while also giving a clear view on which should be accorded the greater significance and why. Requests for resources should be clearly articulated in the justification of resources section of the grant application. New Investigator Award: Starts: 01 November 2022: Ends: 30 April 2025: Value (): 391,062: EPSRC Research Topic Classifications: Energy Storage: Sustainable Energy Networks . If you have a concern that the application raises ethical issues that have not been clearly identified or addressed, you should raise this directly with EPSRC, which will need to make a policy decision on how the application should be treated. Centre for Research on Evolution, Search and Testing (CREST) EPSRC wants to support early career researchers to initiate or develop new international partnerships with researchers overseas. You can request funds for anything eligible under standard EPSRC rules. The content of a paper is more important than publication metrics or the identity of the journal in which it was published, especially for early-stage investigators. There is no page limit for the Je-S attachment, but a maximum of three letters is permitted and letters should be on headed paper, and be signed and dated within six months of the proposal submission date. You will have a chance to provide a response to the assessment, which will be considered in the ranking of the proposal. call/type/mode: Early Career Researchers International Collaboration Grants, case for support (8 pages, 2 on your track record and 6 on the scientific case). The track record should cover the UK and international partners, postdoctoral staff, researcher co-investigators (research assistants who have made a substantial contribution to the proposal and will be employed on the project for a significant amount of time). For example, for animal research you should comment specifically on the need to use animals, the choice of species and the number of animals it is intended to use. the applicant and wider teams ability to deliver the project through to the creation of impact. If youre applying through the New Investigator Award scheme, you should attach a statement from your host university, typically your head of department describe the universitys commitment to your research career development, and confirm your appointment details and period of probation if relevant. EPSRC will fund 80%of the full economic cost. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help us test new developments. The work programme, maximum of one A4 side, should be illustrated with a simple diagrammatic work plan, such as a Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) or Gantt chart. The application you are asked to review includes a case for support. Posts responsible for: None. Download the New Investigator peer review form. You should consider a broad range of impact measures, including qualitative indicators of research impact such as influence on policy and practice. You can request funding to support any eligible international collaborative activities, including (but not limited to): As per standard New Investigator Award guidance, you can include co-investigators if the grant crosses disciplinary boundaries and it is demonstrated that they are from a different discipline to the principal investigator. Please provide as full a response as you believe you are qualified to. https://www.ukri.org/councils/epsrc/guidance-for-applicants/types-of-funding-we-offer/new-investigator-award, Contacts for the New Investigator Award scheme, Browse our areas of investment and support, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Date posted 2 March 2023. There is no simple definition of excellence. Investigators must be academic employees (lecturer or equivalent) of an eligible organisation. Reference MED03699. You should note that your review will be sent back, unattributed, to the investigator, who will then be allowed the opportunity to comment on any factual errors and answer any specific queries you have raised. comment explicitly on the viability of the arrangements described to access equipment needed for this project, and particularly on any university or third party contribution.

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