disadvantages of slice in tennis
Once again, Ive provided a view of this serve in slow motion so you can easily see the nuances of the different pieces. Next, lets talk about how to make contact with the ball. If youre playing on a clay court, you may love your kick serve, where you benefit from the higher bounces that make this serve even more challenging to return. A flat groundstroke is usually more challenging to hit while keeping the shot within boundaries of the tennis court since there isn't much topspin. Modern-day tennis players utilize topspin frequently, as it can appear that the ball will sail over the net and out of bounds before dropping well within the lines of play. However, assuming you have the correct serve stance, behind you is parallel with the baseline and an important distinction when it comes to the kick serve. They are something you should work on and get better at but in the end, are extremely fun to use. By using the proper topspin or backspin techniques during your next competitive match, you will be able to easily keep your opponent on their toes, making it much more difficult for them to adjust to your techniques throughout the entirety of your match.
Michael Kernicki is currently the Head Professional at the Indian Creek Country Club in Miami Beach.
","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":"https://dummies-api.dummies.com/v2/authors/10669"}},{"authorId":10670,"name":"Michael Kernicki","slug":"michael-kernicki","description":" Michael Patrick Shiels writes frequently for golf magazines and is the official golf writer of the PGA of America's Michigan section. Slicing can also be used as a means to aid in the return of difficult or powerful shots.By slicing the ball, this will counter the effects of a powerful shot or one that has a lot of spin, thus making the return much more feasible than with a standard attempt to return. When hitting a flat serve, youll want your toss to be roughly 12-18 inches in front of you and approximately 6 inches to the right of your tossing arms shoulder at the peak of the toss. Since many modern tennis players rely on their topspin forehand to dictate the pace of the match, the slice is most commonly seen as a defensive shot that can be used as a last-ditch effort. However, you can use it to your advantage on certain court surfaces. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Tennis Warehouse, Amazon, and other companies linked to on this site. The slice forehand has many advantages, but using it for rally balls on slow surfaces like clay and some hard courts can result in the ball bouncing slowly and steeply, seemingly asking to be attacked. One of these techniques is the slice, which gives a confounding backspin to a serve or return.Find more information on slice strokes in tennis below. There are a few disadvantages of using a slice in tennis. Your opponent can do almost anything he wants with them, especially from a position up at the net.\nMastering the forehand slice
\nSlice always imparts control. What Does Game, Set, Match Mean In Tennis? When hitting a flat serve, here are a few tips to keep in mind: Many players enjoy hitting a big flat serve and rely almost exclusively on it as their first serve even if they only make 10% of them. If you are under pressure in a rally and are forced to stretch very wide to retrieve a ball on your forehand side, it is unlikely that you will be able to play a topspin shot. If you miss, the pressure is still on your opponent to hit a great return off your slower second serve.
\nHigh bouncing balls are ideal for hitting slice shots, but you can play balls at any height with a slice by bending more at the knees and/or adjusting the height of your back and forward swings. If you are defending desperately, you are unlikely to be able to execute a topspin lob. Topspin shots are also used to come towards the net as previously mentioned it pushes the opponent back, which gives you time to advance to the net. Slice is also an underrated shot, again thanks to that Bollettieri talent-destroying-nonsense. Disadvantages Of Slice In Tennis Slashes are disliked by many lower-level recreational players. Slice always imparts control. The result can be a very low-bouncing serve that is hard to return. Reaction time: The same speed that makes it difficult for your opponent to return a hard flat serve can make it challenging for you to field a well-executed return off of a flat serve because youll have less time to react. The ball will follow a low, flattish path through the air and then bounce up (but not far forward) on a grippy court surface like acrylic. Tennis Tips for Seniors and Every Tennis Lovers. Those two qualities can catch your opponent off guard and screw up her timing.
\n- Slice shots travel in a flat trajectory. You don't have to lift the ball over the net in an arc and then get it to drop back down inside the boundaries of the court like you do with your other shots.
A word of caution: Slice backhands make poor passing shots. Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). Turn the racquet face as you bring it back so that the hitting surface ends up facing upward, as shown in Figure 1. Even at pro level, doing damage is still all about the forehand. Rallying with a sliced forehand is mainly done by players who lack confidence in their topspin game, but it can nonetheless be very effective in the right conditions. As a result, the overuse of a hard flat serve can lead to giving away too many free points or forcing you to rely heavily on your second serve. What Was The Battle of The Sexes In Tennis. For a slice, you will need to grip the racket with an eastern or semi-western grip. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The last comment and 5 other comment(s) need to be approved. It tends to put you on the defensive quite often, so you must be physically and mentally prepared for that. The racquet head instead should be pointing at the back fence, at about a 45-degree angle.
\nWhen your backswing is complete, your right shoulder is close to your chin, and your right elbow points in the same direction as your right foot.
\n2. The most common variations are the slice and the topspin. Lets take a look at some of the details that will help ensure you can hit a great flat serve. If youre a righty, hitting a slice serve out wide in the deuce court will draw your opponent off the court, leaving the rest of the court open for a follow-up shot that puts you in a position to move forward and attack. Required fields are marked *. When your backswing is complete, your right shoulder is close to your chin, and your right elbow points in the same direction as your right foot. On your side, there is pressure to hit your second serve in, which forces you to take some pace off the serve and subsequently gives your opponent more confidence in their return. It moves forward and down, coming around to your right side only at the tail end of your stroke, long after the ball is gone.
\nMake contact with the ball, with the racquet \"slicing\" under it, when it's at a point about even with your right shoulder. In a press conference at the French Open, Dominic Thiem commented on his switch from two-handed to one-handed backhand. Not a Team Sport. Here are some tips on how to slice a ball in tennis: 1. One of the best ways to increase your racquet head speed is to incorporate a wrist snap as you extend your arm to make contact with the tennis ball. Learn with comprehensive resources to help you improve your game. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when hitting a kick serve. Another instance when you are using a slice is if you want to surprise your opponent with a drop shot. It doesn't break your bank. Think of your racquet face as an elevator that you need to move to the right \"story\" or height to pick up the passenger, a bright yellow tennis ball!
\n4. They expect each ball to bounce to them after it lands, and they expect the ball to bounce low from a slice in order to avoid getting injured. Some people love the camaraderie and sense of interdependence that goes with being part of a larger sporting group, like in a football, soccer, or basketball team. One of the biggest challenges of the game of tennis is adjusting your stroke according to the incoming ball (high, low, topspin, slice, fast, slow, etc. Within tennis, the serve is a bigger weapon for men than for women, in part . While weve tried to provide a thorough examination of the three kinds of serves, we realize it can be challenging to answer every question a reader might have. . Your email address will not be published. Former US Open champion Bianca Andreescu is one player particularly renowned for her sliced forehand drop shot, which she likes to play with a continental grip. Many players assume behind means you need to toss the ball toward the back fence, i.e., behind the baseline. Slow pace and the flat trajectory give your opponent two big advantages: more time and an ideal height, at about a foot above the net, to smash away a winner. At MyTennisHQ, we have all played junior, college, and professional tennis. Upper Body Exercises Safe for Tennis Elbow, How to Choose a Grip Size for a Tennis Racquet, How To Handle The High Bounce To The Backhand Side In Tennis. Without some of Hi there!
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Figure 1: Hold your racquet at a 45-degree angle to the fence when you slice your backhand.\t |
3. The Austrian said: "Very difficult because, I mean, I . Many pros, including the legendary Australian champion Ken Rosewall, used the slice backhand stroke as their only backhand. This photo was snapped at the height of the toss so you can get a sense of accurate placement. The result will be a more fluid motion that helps you achieve a better serve. Just before you start your forward swing, raise the racquet head to shoulder height, open the face so that the hitting surface faces up, and produce slice by cutting under the ball with a long, smooth stroke.
\nThe slice forehand is easy to master, and a fair number of hackers resort to it. Hitting up is counterintuitive to many players at first because theyre afraid the ball will sail long. Slice shots that are hit from lack of confidence or in a desperate attempt to just get the ball back tend to float, and they travel through the air slowly. Your ability to hit more than one type of serve will allow you to be more competitive against different players and on various court surfaces. Straight flips can be much easier and quicker as the pips are less sensitive to spin. Slice shots don't bounce as high, either. If your opponent has a very fast or heavily spun serve, and you are having difficulty controlling it with a flat or topspun return, a block return with a little slice can be effective. It also has a slightly lower margin for error than the kick serve, because it doesn't have as much top spin to make the ball dip into the service box. Even if good spin and placement are used, if the ball lacks pace, it can easily be attacked. Approach shots.
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Figure 1: Hold your racquet at a 45-degree angle to the fence when you slice your backhand.\t |
\nIf you hit this shot from a comfortable, set position (at about the center of the baseline), your racquet should be pointing toward the right netpost.
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\nMastering the forehand slice
\nSlice always imparts control. Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. The flat serve is one of the most popular and most useful serves in tennis. You just need to learn to use it for a great slice serve, which takes time and patience. Aerodynamically it will appear to rise and then dip, kicking forward and up off the court surface when it lands. Slow pace and the flat trajectory give your opponent two big advantages: more time and an ideal height, at about a foot above the net, to smash away a winner.
\nBasically, you hit the slice backhand just as you would hit your standard backhand (both one-handed and two-handed backhands), changing only the following things about your stroke:
\n1. Now that you know the three different types of tennis serves, it pays to keep in mind that each serve can be hit in countless places in the service box, providing you with even greater variety. Ive included brief stops to help you get a sense for toss placement, contact, point, and racquet angle. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent ","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"
Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you).
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