usta tennis court construction specifications

0000235202 00000 n This helps to cover a field evenly, ensuring that tennis courts pass the requirement that IES and USTA are recommending. When used as a base for other surfaces (e.g., acrylic), reference will be made only to the playing surface. Currently, AllSport America serves families and large facilities, building and installing tennis courts and multi-sport game courts throughout Northern California, in the San . The IES has further provided their expert opinion on the required amount of light that is essential for tennis courts. 0000004831 00000 n Courts with permanent blended lines may be used as practice courts only at these events. 4-8 pieces (varies according to field dimensions) Imported 400 W Metal Halide bulb projectors are installed to the projector poles, which are manufactured with ladders. 6 wide paths are recommended; 4 wide paths are considered a minimum. XT\T)^*0e~YoZR 5W'tH}.sgJ_EhS1v(0BDfaC Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, Enter to select. 0000005906 00000 n This page contains a full assortment of guide specifications in CSI, 3-part format. This looks different on a clay court. 0000001443 00000 n Before the construction of the acrylic floor, the surface of the cured asphalt is cleaned and made free of dust and foreign matter. Electrical connections are made with TSE certified rubber insulated 4 4 NYY Cable. This lighting must maintain consistent coverage to allow tennis players to navigate their playing field without loss of available light. For most lighting purposes this translates to a 1-9 grading level. On the other hand, the clay court has the advantage that it is very easy on the joints due to the loose surface. These large slabs are stre n g t h - Figure 1. 0000207225 00000 n backboards, fencing, windscreens, smart court access, etc.) For higher fencing, there must be a proper . xb```b`g`g`` ac@ >;J. However, the hard court also has the downside that its top layer is impermeable to water. While viewing a tennis court . Layout of a single reinforced concrete tennis court. A standard tennis court for doubles play is 60' x 120', measured from fence to fence. 0000216449 00000 n To begin the Tennis Venue Services process, please complete the inquiry form. Architect in Health Care & Education | Learn more about Christopher H. Gerdes's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on LinkedIn 0000004178 00000 n Thats why its primarily strong service players who feel comfortable on the grass. The foundation is then covered with several layers of a mixture of acrylic and rubber. Fixture, Installation and Running Cost, Tennis Court LED Retrofit: Switching from MH/HPS to LED, Top 5 Sports Lighting Companies and Manufacturers. For the lighting, 4 pieces of (76x3mm) pipes with a 5m height are connected to the construction by welding. What is the rule about 36- and 60-foot courts? We build courts according to USTA specifications, and we allow you to select the court surface type of your choice, as well as fencing and lighting. 0000207704 00000 n Please feel free to contact us for free lighting design & advice. These colors are usually combined in twos: one color for the play area and another for the outer boundaries. 0000007301 00000 n ground sleeve 2 per court. Reform Sports Systems San. The number of light poles will increase for larger stadiums and decrease for smaller venues. This is considered light thats unbearable whereas number 9 isnt noticed at all. This is another rate of light measurement that breaks down tennis courts into sections that are measured in light uniformity. *Additional funds may be available for indoor projects. Product. So there is an increased risk of injury. Synthetic Tennis Court. 0000014757 00000 n @ This term denotes a class of natural surfaces that include a fine gritty material as the uppermost (playing) layer (e.g., fast dry). The International Tennis Federation (ITF) has adopted the following standard classification of tennis court surfaces: ^ Appearance relates only to the form of the surface material and not to other characteristics (e.g., color) trailer << /Size 110 /Info 92 0 R /Root 98 0 R /Prev 76053 /ID[<386ea83d0f29ccaf3e84f484a2030c31><386ea83d0f29ccaf3e84f484a2030c31>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 98 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 94 0 R /OpenAction [ 99 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone /PageLabels << /Nums [ -2 << /S /D /St -1 >> ] >> >> endobj 108 0 obj << /S 328 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 109 0 R >> stream The surface is very popular in the world as it gives a good even playing experience and is more consistent than other outdoor surfaces. Surface Code: E The following tennis court resurfacing guide specification is written using the SportMaster brand as the design standard. How to Choose the Right Color Schemes for Your Tennis Court They are 21 ft. x 13.5 ft. (6.4 x 4.11 m), and are divided by the Net, the Service Line, and the Center Service Line.. For example, the fabric velour is very popular for indoor floors. This surface gives the hard court its typical look. In addition, you should consider your paths to the courts. If you have a new construction project, please visit this ASBA Tennis Court Construction Guideline page where you can view the guidelines and utilize the newest practices of the sports construction industry. In principle the length is 78 ft. The width of the tennis court varies depending on the game variant. (Technical specifications vary according to turf types), The junction points of the laid turf are bonded with the help of Helmetin cloth, 20 cm for the joints, 30 cm for the lines, using special two-component polyurethane adhesive. At Master Systems we build tennis courts to win the test of time and defeat the elements of nature. To get your free specification kit, send us an email with your contact information and physical address for delivery. Another advantage of the smooth surface is that the ball has a constant bounce, which makes it easier to calculate the flight curve. Tennis Court Construction - Ace Surfaces 8884231120 LOUDOUN COUNTY, Va., March 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The United States Tennis Association Mid-Atlantic Section (USTA MAS) announced today plans to build a state-of-the-art 36-court tennis campus in . With the doubles alleys, the width here is 36 ft. Geotextile Flecked Artificial turf felt is laid on concrete or asphalt ground prepared. 0000009664 00000 n 0000003842 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n What are potential tennis court surfaces for our facility? 2 INDEX Page INTRODUCTION 1 SECTION 1.0 TENNIS COURT CONTRACTORS 1 1.1 Selection Criteria 1 1.1.1 General 1 . Reconstruction of existing 36, 60, and 78 tennis courts. The rule change follows the International Tennis Federation's rule change and took effect on January 1, 2012. 0000006078 00000 n 0000019233 00000 n Located in Edmond, Oklahoma, Edmond Center Court is considered as one of the top public facilities in the United States. In addition, a center service line extends from the net to the service line on each side. 0000004324 00000 n 0000207927 00000 n PDF COURT CONSTRUCTION - International Tennis Federation | ITF 0000004366 00000 n First of all, the fact that it can be used indoors as well as outdoors. Basically they are equipped with one of the four main surfaces, clay, hard court, grass or carpet. 0000006121 00000 n Depending on your wishes, you can also equip the tennis court with other accessories. In addition, the distance from the outermost side line to the fence should be at least 12 ft. All in all, you need an area of 60 x 120 ft. for a tennis court. In principle the length is 78 ft. USTA League is the country's largest recreational tennis league with more than 300,000 players nationwide competing on teams while meeting new people and getting physically active. 0000004450 00000 n In addition, you should know that the surface of the carpet is extremely grippy. Sports Surfaces: Tennis Court Design & Construction As a USTA Member, you will receive all of the benefits of membership while supporting the growth of tennis in your local . 0000187794 00000 n The speed of the ball depends on the height of the blades of grass. Game lines are drawn on acrylic paints according to the project and the field is made ready for use. A 42 Nets - Tennis nets, posts, and singles sticks are regulation size and height, and well-maintained. Armed with this knowledge, Clay Schneckloth, Landscape Architect with Snyder & Associates, shares . SportMaster is the official surface of the USPTA (United States . lV.~ # Used only when the material itself forms the playing surface. Tennis Court Technical Specification. Type: Grass New construction of 36, 60, and 78 tennis courts. 0000169214 00000 n It is considered a hard surface if it is asphalt or concrete. 0000234880 00000 n Furthermore, you need a good ability to react to the fast balls. We adhere to our own rigid specifications throughout the entire project. The top layer has a height of 1 inch and consists of the typical red brick dust with a grain size of 0-2 mm. Depending on the tennis hall, the carpet is made of a different material. We can also incorporate a basketball backboard system onto your tennis court . Tennis Court Technical Specification. Since this type of surface does not tolerate wetness or other external weather conditions, it is specially designed for indoor use. 0000006336 00000 n 0 From the playing style you can imagine the carpet court as a mixture of hard court and grass court. Overall, the clay court is perfect for baseline players who can hit the ball with the necessary topspin. Class III: 60 The graded area for the court should . 0000005347 00000 n 0000208454 00000 n 0000005261 00000 n Recreational Surfaces. Electrical Installation up to the panel is installed and the projectors are delivered in working condition. startxref Local Phone: (410) 527-2801. As on the grass court, quick reactions during the rally are helpful. USTA assistance and support with liaising between public and private developers. On the elastic floor, the game lines are drawn using acrylic paint and the field is made ready for use. Resources - Get the Most for Your Tennis Court Investment The time and effort expunged in the planning and construction stages of a tennis court will determine the play-ability and longevity of the court in the following 20-30 years. Surface Code: B For this reason, the ball bounces higher than on the grass court and has a slightly faster speed than on the hard court. 0000008669 00000 n REFERENCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR WINDSCREEN TYPE AND MFGR. Type: Asphalt# Shipped Publications Postage & Handling - Covers order processing, packaging & regular ground service delivery costs to continental U.S.; for overnight . The selvage of the bottom, top, and top caps are knuckled for security. 0000225806 00000 n 0000015943 00000 n Here are some of the reasons for selecting SportMaster Sport Surfaces: There are currently 80+ locations in the United States with more abroadand growing. 0000004874 00000 n In the last step you build up the bridle around the tennis court. Our tennis court construction specification is written for outdoor tennis courts and special specification is sent to our customers upon request. - Tennis Court Dimensions and Related Measurements 1.0 Playing Lines The outside dimensions of the playing lines should be as follows: Doubles 36' x 78' (10.97m x 23.77m) Singles 27' x 78' (8.23m x 23.77m) Metric equivalents for specific items such as tennis court playing lines, layouts To fully understand the resources available, please review the Guide to Tennis Venue Services. Cockeysville, MD 21030. Similar to the hard court, the grass court is unplayable in wet conditions. After compacting, this layer should be 4 inches thick. The total area of the tennis court is approximately 595.1 square meters. Type: Clay@ HLn0@w~G{L]56]XTt2 C~zB I{c6/ Ry%TE;tqMoIC[ }K^ v ED~We)N4/~)ZJTf7.hK4q^.qrFT? Description: Unbound mineral aggregate Width: 13.5 feet. Afterwards you sweep the lines of the court with the broom. Additional information is available from the Association at 2331 Rock Spring Road, Forest Hill, MD 21050. Reform Sports manufactures various kinds of sports grounds of international quality, especially in the production of artificial turf. 0000004137 00000 n However, many players are unaware that the surface has a significant influence on playing style. 0000007838 00000 n Class IV: Not specified, Our address: 1535 Webster St, Oakland, CA 94612Our email: info@sportlightsupply.comOur phone: +1 906 753 7153, light level is often adjusted for HDTV cameras. 0000169599 00000 n TENNIS COURT SIZE AND SPACE REQUIREMENTS. * Normally forms only the uppermost few millimeters of a court. Help us better understand the makeup of our tennis community. . How much light is used in the dark to see something clearly as you would see in the daytime? 90 0 obj <>stream You need the following materials to build a tennis court: When you have all the materials together, youre ready to start the construction. The USTA has a library of venue concepts available and can also provide a site speci c concept. %PDF-1.2 % 1- CONCRETE FLOOR (Applications: Tartan, Synthetic turf) Leveling is done by laying 5cm (16-22mm) crushed stone 2 in the field surrounded by concrete beams. For park agencies that manage five or more tennis facilities, please consider taking advantage of a complimentary assessment. Check the court at regular intervals and water it if necessary. Class II: Horizontal- 600-750 Lux Vertical 300 Lux }DA=O1u3H;M%BPh38M`bT(3i\m|{9@ 0(F}8x%0# #P+A6{k iD! F. Section 32 31 13 - Chain Link Fences and Gates: Perimeter fencing and windscreen. Sometimes you may even have to hit the ball almost at head height to get it into the court. We represent 2 of the 3 Certified Tennis Court Builders in Northern California. 0000004371 00000 n 0 with the time and day of your requested reservation. 0000212750 00000 n Post foundations should be twenty-four inches (24) in diameter at the top, thirty (30") inches in diameter at the bottom, and not less than thirty-six (36) in depth. Levelling is done by laying 5cm (16-22mm) crushed stone 2 in the field surrounded by concrete girders.. Levelling is done by pouring (12-15) Cm mesh steel reinforced BS 20 (C-20) ready concrete by giving a slope of 0.005% (five per thousand) on the levelled crushed stone. Welcome to Edmond Center Court. 0000216673 00000 n {}+C*&P vfIhc9x811Q@4=2 i6W@z sR-b:YEht3Sup$`Ytn/WO|4 , c1ePd555e5@"y[r$DK|;9XLqK B_;:c'$.OW(p!2]wTmwwR%H(AIQG5,;r&]! Whether you play Singles or Doubles or want to compete locally or nationally, USTA Tournaments is for you. These characteristics mean that the majority of rallies on grass are kept relatively short. In addition, your shoes and balls are subject to more wear. Technical Documents - U.S. Tennis Court Construction & Resurfacing Surface Code: G Leslie Coatings Inc. has been involved on a national level in the development of specifications governing the construction of tennis courts in the United States. Tennis is played on a rectangular, flat surface, usually grass, clay, or a hard court of concrete and/or asphalt. After the earthmoving work is carried out, excavation is carried out at a depth of 25cm for the surrounding beams. How many lumens & lighting fixtures to light a tennis court? Tennis Court Specifications | Tennis Court Construction Cost - sportmaster 7 0 obj <> endobj The court is striped similar to a tennis court with right and left service courts and a 7-foot non-volley . Class IV: N/A. It is parallel with the baselines, and it divides the court into two equal ends. These green tennis courts have a long history behind them, as tennis was initially played exclusively on grass. Technical - The USTA can review and provide recommendations on court issues, lighting, peer design reviews and other technical matters related to tennis design, operations and maintenance of courts. 0000004629 00000 n Do colleges allow blended lines on their courts? 0000238102 00000 n 0000004492 00000 n Read the full guide to installing a tennis count fence here. The friction between the grains of clay and the felt additionally slows down the ball. The specifications for the revised system hold that all tournaments for those ages 9-10 be played on 60-foot courts using orange low-compression tennis balls and regulation nets or, for those more experienced and more skilled players, on 78-foot courts with green lower-compression balls. The net is held up by cable cords. Are courts with blended lines authorized for professional play? The width spans from the baseline to the . My role is to manage court surface requirements and promotions at major international tennis tournaments such as the Australian Open. Best Tennis Courts Construction in Dallas Fort Worth DFW Its important to get your space as close to perfect level as possible. For example, charter schools that are nonprofits or LEA(Local Education Agencies) can be eligible for grants in the range of $5,000 to $100,000 from the USTA for tennis-related construction. This significantly reduces the risk of injuries. Cumbersome standard lighting that was used for the last 50 years is now being replaced with high intensity LED lighting. 0000004274 00000 n 0000006594 00000 n Can you build a tennis court in your backyard? How many types of tennis courts are there? 0000003939 00000 n After the primer application, a Resurfecer layer is applied to cover the pores on the floor. 0000004618 00000 n For example, two courts would measure 108' x 120', three courts would be 156' x 120', etc. Assessment of existing facility to address any problems with tennis courts, lights, etc.

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